Application First Release February 23, 2007 NOTES: Using the BCIM Controller with Powerex IPMs Introduction: The BCIM board features a three phase AC motor controller IC at its core. The board is designed to provide an interface between the controller and Powerex IPM design kits. The BCIM board provides PWM signals for the IGBTs in the three legs of a 3 phase inverter plus a brake signal. Using this board along with Powerex IPM design kits allows designers to be able to quickly verify their Power circuit layout and also gives them an opportunity to see a working control circuit layout. The information in this document pertains only to the board and its external connections. For information specific to the controller please contact Freescale Semiconductor. Building the BCIM board: The BCIM kit comes as a bare board along with all of the parts listed in the bill of materials. The PCB is a two layer board and all of the components are through hole. You will need to refer to Figure 4 shown at the end of this document which shows the complete component layout in order to complete the board. BCIM Connections: The BCIM controller board has three connectors, CN1, CN2 and CN3. CN2 is a 2-pin connector that brings in an 8-24V DC power supply and converts it to a regulated 5V supply for the control logic. CN1 is a 10-pin connector for bringing out the 5V logic power supply and all of the control signals for the high and low sides of a three phase inverter plus brake. The 10-pin connector is also used for bringing the fault feedback to the controller. CN3 is connector that brings in a divided DC bus voltage for feedback into the MC3PHAC MCU. BCIM Power Requirements: The BCIM will use a maximum of 200mA from the 5VDC supply for a total of 1W needed at the output of the 5V regulator. In addition the 5V regulator will have a voltage drop of anywhere between 3V (8V-5V) and 19V (24V-5V) which will mean an additional 0.6W to 3.8W of power loss. Connecting the BCIM to L-series IPM development kits: The 10-pin connector on the BCIM is made to connect directly to the 10-pin connectors used in the BP6A and BP7A L-series IPM development kits through 10 conductors. Again, this will provide the proper interface between the controller and IPM for all of the control signals including the brake, the 5V logic power supply and the fault feedback from the IPM to the MCU. The 24V or 15V control power that is needed for the IPM development boards can be shared with the BCIM board or separate power supplies can be used. Figure 1 shows how the connection is made from the BCIM to the BP6A/BP7A. Figure 1. BCIM to BP7A/BP6A Connecting the BCIM to Super Mini DIP-IPM and Mini DIP-IPM Demonstration Boards: The BCIM can also be connected to the Super Mini DIP-IPM and Mini DIP-IPM demonstration boards (DK-PS21562/3/4 and DK-PS21962/3/4) in much the same way that it connects to the BP6A and BP7A boards. The input connectors for these kits do differ in a few ways and so the connection will be somewhat different. The main differences are that there is no brake pin for the Mini/Super Mini demo boards and the +15V supply is part of the 10 pin connector as opposed to having its own separate connector. Another difference in the connectors is that the input control signal pins (Up, Un, Vp, Vn, etc.) are in a different order so the connection wires between the BCIM and the development board will need to be permutated.