The PT4306-S with RF Transceiver ICs SOP8 RoHS is a surface-mount, 8-pin Radio Frequency (RF) Transceiver IC developed by Princeton for wireless applications. The PT4306-S includes many features such as high isolation, low power consumption, high sensitivity, and high data rate. Its operating frequency range is 2400 to 2483.5 MHz. It is also RoHS certified, which means that it meets the European Union’s standards for hazardous materials and substances. The PT4306-S has an internal power amplifier that provides up to 30 dBm transmit power gain, as well as a baseband signal processor with signal detection, channel coding/decoding, and filtering capabilities. The integrated transmitter and receiver allow transmission and reception of data up to 200 Kbit/s. The PT4306-S also includes other features such as auto-acknowledgement, automatic packet error correction, and error free transmission/reception.