ElectronicsThe AP120N03K is a MOSFET N Trench 30V 120A (Tc) 3V @ 250uA 6 mΩ @ 40A,10V TO-252 RoHS manufactured by Quan Li Electronics. This part is used as a switch or an amplifier in a circuit, and it is characterized by strong performance and rugged construction. It has a gate threshold voltage of 3V, an on-state resistance of 6 mΩ @ 40A, and a reverse recovery time of 250uA. It has a drain-source breakdown voltage of 30V, a drain-source voltage of 120A, and a maximum operating junction temperature of 125°C. This part is manufactured with RoHS compliant manufacturing processes, and is rated for maximum operation temperature of 105°C. The TO-252 variant makes it suitable for a broad range of applications, and it should be noted that Quan Li Electronics warranties this product for a period of up to one year.