5962-9221703M2A is a surface-mounted integrated circuit manufactured by Renesas. It belongs to the SH-2A family of 32-bit 32-bit RISC microcontrollers and is based on RISC architecture. The SH-2A is a general-purpose, high-performance processor, featuring a 3-stage pipe-line, high-speed instruction execution, full addressing capability, and dedicated onboard peripherals.
It has a 4 MB ROM for program storage, an on-chip 32 kHz oscillator for timer functions, a number of input/output choices, an on-chip peripheral bus interface, and an on-chip debug circuitry. It also supports 16-bit and 32-bit arithmetic operations, can access up to 16 MB of external address space, and is compatible with industry-standard debuggers. The chip has a 48-pin VQFP packaging option and operates with a supply voltages ranging between 3.0 V and 5.5 V.