X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of 71V65603S100BQG SRAM across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. 71V65603S100BQG SRAM are a product manufactured by Renesas. We provide cost-effective solutions for SRAM, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

71V65603S100BQG Renesas

71V65603S100BQG electronic component of Renesas
71V65603S100BQG Renesas
71V65603S100BQG SRAM
71V65603S100BQG  Semiconductors

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See Product Specifications
Part No. 71V65603S100BQG
Manufacturer: Renesas
Category: SRAM
Description: SRAM 9M ZBT SLOW X36 P/L 3.3V
Datasheet: 71V65603S100BQG Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
272: USD 26.6223 ea
Line Total: USD 7241.27 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 272  Multiples: 272
Pack Size: 272
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Wed. 05 Mar to Fri. 07 Mar
MOQ : 272
Multiples : 272
272 : USD 26.6223

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Access Time
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We are delighted to provide the 71V65603S100BQG from our SRAM category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the 71V65603S100BQG and other electronic components in the SRAM category and beyond.

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Stock Image 71V65603S133PFG8
SRAM Chip Sync Single 3.3V 9M-bit 256K x 36 4.2ns 100-Pin TQFP T/R
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Stock Image 71V65603S133BGGI
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Stock Image 71V65603S133BQ
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Stock Image 71V65603S133PFGI
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Stock Image 71V65603S133PFG
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Stock Image 71V65603S100PFG
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Stock Image 71V65603S133BQG
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Stock Image 71V65603S100PFG8
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image 6116LA20SOGI
SRAM 16K Asynch. 2Kx8 HS, L-Pwr, SRAM
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Stock Image GS832036AGT-200I
SRAM 2.5 or 3.3V 1M x 36 36M
Stock : 558
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Stock Image GS8342Q36BGD-250
SRAM 1.8 or 1.5V 1M x 36 36M
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Stock Image GS8342T36BGD-300I
SRAM 1.8 or 1.5V 1M x 36 36M
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Stock Image GS8342TT38BGD-500I
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Stock Image GS8320Z36AGT-250IV
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Stock Image GS72116AGU-12
SRAM 3.3V 128K x 16 2M C Temp
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Stock Image CY7C1320KV18-333BZXC
SRAM 18MB (512Kx36) 1.8v 333MHz DDR II SRAM
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256K x 36, 512K x 18 3.3V Synchronous ZBT SRAMs IDT71V65603/Z ZBT Feature IDT71V65803/Z 3.3V I/O, Burst Counter Pipelined Outputs Address and control signals are applied to the SRAM during one clock Features cycle, and two cycles later the associated data cycle occurs, be it read or write. 256K x 36, 512K x 18 memory configurations The IDT71V65603/5803 contain data I/O, address and control signal Supports high performance system speed - 150MHz registers. Output enable is the only asynchronous signal and can be used (3.8ns Clock-to-Data Access) to disable the outputs at any given time. TM ZBT Feature - No dead cycles between write and read cycles A Clock Enable (CEN) pin allows operation of the IDT71V65603/5803 Internally synchronized output buffer enable eliminates the to be suspended as long as necessary. All synchronous inputs are ignored need to control OE when (CEN) is high and the internal device registers will hold their previous Single R/W (READ/WRITE) control pin values. Positive clock-edge triggered address, data, and control signal There are three chip enable pins (CE1, CE2, CE2) that allow the user registers for fully pipelined applications to deselect the device when desired. If any one of these three are not 4-word burst capability (interleaved or linear) asserted when ADV/LD is low, no new memory operation can be Individual byte write (BW1 - BW4) control (May tie active) initiated. However, any pending data transfers (reads or writes) will be Three chip enables for simple depth expansion completed. The data bus will tri-state two cycles after chip is deselected 3.3V power supply (5%) or a write is initiated. 3.3V I/O Supply (VDDQ) The IDT71V65603/5803 have an on-chip burst counter. In the burst Power down controlled by ZZ input mode, the IDT71V65603/5803 can provide four cycles of data for a Packaged in a JEDEC standard 100-pin plastic thin quad single address presented to the SRAM. The order of the burst flatpack (TQFP), 119 ball grid array (BGA) and 165 fine pitch sequence is defined by the LBO input pin. The LBO pin selects ball grid array(fBGA). between linear and interleaved burst sequence. The ADV/LD signal is Description used to load a new external address (ADV/LD = LOW) or increment The IDT71V65603/5803 are 3.3V high-speed 9,437,184-bit the internal burst counter (ADV/LD = HIGH). (9 Megabit) synchronous SRAMS. They are designed to eliminate dead bus The IDT71V65603/5803 SRAM utilize IDT s latest high-performance cycles when turning the bus around between reads and writes, or writes and CMOS process, and are packaged in a JEDEC Standard 14mm x 20mm TM reads. Thus, they have been given the name ZBT , or Zero Bus Turn- 100-pin thin plastic quad flatpack (TQFP) as well as a 119 ball grid array around. (BGA) and 165 fine pitch ball grid array (fBGA) . Pin Description Summary A0-A18 Address Inputs Input Synchronous CE1, CE2, CE2 Chip Enables Input Synchronous Output Enable Input Asynchronous OE R/W Read/Write Signal Input Synchronous Clock Enable Input Synchronous CEN BW1, BW2, BW3, BW4 Individual Byte Write Selects Input Synchronous CLK Clock Input N/A ADV/LD Advance burst address / Load new address Input Synchronous Linear / Interleaved Burst Order Input Static LBO ZZ Sleep Mode Input Asynchronous I/O0-I/O31, I/OP1-I/OP4 Data Input / Output I/O Synchronous VDD, VDDQ Core Power, I/O Power Supply Static VSS Ground Supply Static 5304 tbl 01 ZBT and Zero Bus Turnaround are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. and the architecture is supported by Micron Technology and Motorola, Inc. OCTOBER 2008 1 2008 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. DSC-5304/08IDT71V65603, IDT71V65803, 256K x 36, 512K x 18, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with ZBT Feature, 3.3V I/O, Burst Counter, and Pipelined Outputs Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges (1) Pin Definitions Symbol Pin Function I/O Active Description A0-A18 Address Inputs I N/A Synchronous Address inputs. The address register is triggered by a combination of the rising edge of CLK, ADV/LD low, CEN low, and true chip enables. ADV/LD Advance / Load I N/A ADV/LD is a synchronous input that is used to load the internal registers with new address and control when it is sampled low at the rising edge of clock with the chip selected. When ADV/LD is low with the chip deselected, any burst in progress is terminated. When ADV/LD is sampled high then the internal burst counter is advanced for any burst that was in progress. The external addresses are ignored when ADV/LD is sampled high. R/W Read / Write I N/A R/W signal is a synchronous input that identifies whether the current load cycle initiated is a Read or Write access to the memory array. The data bus activity for the current cycle takes place two clock cycles later. CEN Clock Enable I LOW Synchronous Clock Enable Input. When CEN is sampled high, all other synchronous inputs, including clock are ignored and outputs remain unchanged. The effect of CEN sampled high on the device outputs is as if the low to high clock transition did not occur. For normal operation, CEN must be sampled low at rising edge of clock. Individual Byte I LOW Synchronous byte write enables. Each 9-bit byte has its own active low byte write enable. BW1-BW4 Write Enables On load write cycles (When R/W and ADV/LD are sampled low) the appropriate byte write signal (BW1-BW4) must be valid. The byte write signal must also be valid on each cycle of a burst write. Byte Write signals are ignored when R/W is sampled high. The appropriate byte(s) of data are written into the device two cycles later. BW1-BW4 can all be tied low if always doing write to the entire 36-bit word. Chip Enables I LOW Synchronous active low chip enable. CE1 and CE2 are used with CE2 to enable the CE1, CE2 IDT71V65603/5803. (CE1 or CE2 sampled high or CE2 sampled low) and ADV/LD low at the TM rising edge of clock, initiates a deselect cycle. The ZBT has a two cycle deselect, i.e., the data bus will tri-state two clock cycles after deselect is initiated. CE2 Chip Enable I HIGH Synchronous active high chip enable. CE2 is used with CE1 and CE2 to enable the chip. CE2 has inverted polarity but otherwise identical to CE1 and CE2. CLK Clock I N/A This is the clock input to the IDT71V65603/5803. Except for OE, all timing references for the device are made with respect to the rising edge of CLK. I/O0-I/O31 Data Input/Output I/O N/A Synchronous data input/output (I/O) pins. Both the data input path and data output path are I/OP1-I/OP4 registered and triggered by the rising edge of CLK. Linear Burst Order I LOW Burst order selection input. When LBO is high the Interleaved burst sequence is selected. LBO When LBO is low the Linear burst sequence is selected. LBO is a static input and it must not change during device operation. Output Enable I LOW Asynchronous output enable. OE must be low to read data from the 71V65603/5803. When OE OE is high the I/O pins are in a high-impedance state. OE does not need to be actively controlled for read and write cycles. In normal operation, OE can be tied low. ZZ Sleep Mode I N/A Asynchronous sleep mode input. ZZ HIGH will gate the CLK internally and power down the 71V65603/5803 to its lowest power consumption level. Data retention is guaranteed in Sleep Mode. VDD Power Supply N/A N/A 3.3V core power supply. VDDQ Power Supply N/A N/A 3.3V I/O Supply. VSS Ground N/A N/A Ground. 5304tbl 02 NOTE: 1. All synchronous inputs must meet specified setup and hold times with respect to CLK. 6.422

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