4-Digit Programmable Multimeter HM8012 HZ15 (included) R 4-DigitDisplay with 50,000 Counts R BasicAccuracy 0.05 % R Max.Resolution: 10 V, 0.01 dBm, 10 nA, 10 m, 0.1 C R OffsetFunction/Relative Value Measurement R RS-232Interface and Software included WDM8012 Software (included) Mainframe HM8001-2 required for Operation HM8012AC + DC measurements As shown for AC + 25 digits 4-Digit Programmable Multimeter HM8012 All data valid at C23 after 30 minutes warm-up. Resistance Measurement ranges: 500 , 5 k, 50 k, 500 k, 5 M, 50 M Resolution: 10 m, 100 m, 1 , 10 , 100 , 1 k Accuracy: DC voltage Measurement ranges: 500 mV, 5 V, 50 V, 500 V, 600 V 500 500 k (0.05 % of reading + 0.004 % of f.s. + 50 m) Resolution: 10 V, 100 V, 1 mV, 10 mV, 100 mV 550M (0.3 % of reading + 0.004 % of full scale) Accuracy: Overload Protection: max. 300 V rms 5 V, 500 V, 600 V (0.05 % of reading + 0.002 % of full scale) Measurement current: 500 5k range: 1mA 500 mV, 50 V (0.05 % of reading + 0.004 % of full scale) 50 k range: 100A Overload protection: 500 k range: 10 A 550 M range: 100 nA V//T/dB/ to 850 V at max. 60 Hz or 600 V Measurement voltage: 10 V typical for open inputs, depending COM and to chassis p dc COM against chassis 250 V at max. 60 Hz or 250 V on the value of resistance to be measured. rms dc Input resistance: Negative polarity of measurement voltage 50 V, 500 V, 600 V 10 M II 90 pF is across common terminal. 500 mV, 5 V >1 G II 90 pF Input current: 10 pA Temperature Common mode 2-wire resistance with linearization for PT100 sensors as per rejection ratio: 100 dB (5060 Hz 0.5 %) measurement: standard EN60751 Serial mode rejection ratio:60 dB (5060 Hz 0.5 %) Range: -200+500 C Resolution: 0.1 C dB Mode Measurement current: approx. 1 mA Accuracy: (0.02 dB + 2 digits) (display >-38.7 dBm) Display: in C, F Resolution: 0.01 dB above 18 % of rating Accuracy: (0.4 C + 0.0005 x T) from -200+200 C (0.5 C + 0.0005 x T) from +200+500 C DC current (T in C, sensor tolerance not included) Measurement ranges: 500 A, 5 mA, 50 mA, 500 mA, 10 A 10 nA, 100 nA, 1 A, 10 A, 1 mA Resolution: Temperature coefficient: (reference 23 C) V = 500 mV, 50 V 30 ppm/C Accuracy: 0.5500 mA (0.2 % of reading + 0.004 % of full scale) 600 V range 80 ppm/C 10 A (0.3 % of reading + 0.004 % of full scale) other ranges 20 ppm/C Voltage drop: V ~ 600 V range 80 ppm/C 10 A range 0.2 V max. other ranges 50 ppm/C 500 mA range 2.5 V max. mA all ranges 200 ppm/C other ranges 0.7 V max. mA~ all ranges 300 ppm/C 5 M, 50 M ranges 200 ppm/C AC voltage other ranges 50 ppm/C Measurement ranges: 500 mV, 5 V, 50 V, 500 V, 600 V Resolution: 10 V, 100 V, 1 mV, 10 mV, 100 mV Miscellaneous Accuracy 0.550V: Power supply (from mainframe): 40 Hz5 kHz (0.4 % of reading + 0.07 % of full scale) +5 V 300 mA 20 Hz20 kHz (1 % of reading + 0.07 % of full scale) ~26 V 140 mA +5+40 C Accuracy 500V and 600V: Operating temperature: 40 Hz1 kHz (0.4 % of reading + 0.07 % of full scale) Storage temperature: -20+70 C 20 Hz1 kHz (1 % of reading + 0.07 % of full scale) Rel. humidity: 580 % (non condensing) Overload protection: Dimensions (W x H x D) (without 22-pole flat plug): 135 x 68 x 228 mm V//T/dB/ to 850 V at max. 60 Hz or 600 V Weight: approx. 0.5 kg COM and to chassis p dc COM against chassis 250 V at max. 60 Hz or 250 V rms dc Input impedance Accessories supplied: Operating manual, Interface cable (HZ14), AC mode 1 M II 90 pF PVC test leads (HZ15), CD, Software AC + DC mode 10 M II 90 pF Recommended accessories: Bandwidth at -3dB: 80 kHz typical HZ10S 5 x silicone test lead (measurement connection in black) dB mode: 20 Hz20 kHz HZ10R 5 x silicone test lead (measurement connection in red) HZ10B 5 x silicone test lead (measurement connection in blue) Accuracy -23.859.8 dBm 0.2 dBm HZ812 PT100 Temperature probe 0.01 dB above 9 mV Resolution: CMRR: 60 dB (5060 Hz 0.5 %) Crest factor: 7 max. AC current Measurement ranges: 500 A, 5 mA, 50 mA, 500 mA, 10 A Resolution: 10 nA, 100 nA, 1 A, 10 A, 1 mA Accuracy: 0.5500 mA (0.7 % of reading + 0.07 % of f.s.) 40 Hz5 kHz 10 A (1 % of reading + 0.07 % of full scale) HM8012E/160812 C&E Subject to change without notice HAMEG Instruments GmbH DQS-certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, Reg.-No.: 071040 QM08 HAMEG Instruments GmbH Industriestr. 6 D-63533 Mainhausen Tel +49 (0) 6182 8000 Fax +49 (0) 6182 800100 www.hameg.com info hameg.com