X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of SDN10-24-100P DIN Rail Power Supplies across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. SDN10-24-100P DIN Rail Power Supplies are a product manufactured by Solahd. We provide cost-effective solutions for DIN Rail Power Supplies, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

SDN10-24-100P Solahd

SDN10-24-100P electronic component of Solahd
SDN10-24-100P Solahd
SDN10-24-100P DIN Rail Power Supplies
SDN10-24-100P  Power

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. SDN10-24-100P
Manufacturer: Solahd
Category: DIN Rail Power Supplies
Description: DIN Rail Power Supplies 240W 24-28VDC 10A
Datasheet: SDN10-24-100P Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 941.7968 ea
Line Total: USD 941.8 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 941.7968

Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 529.4852

Product Category
Input Type
Output Power
Input Voltage
Output Voltage-Channel 1
Output Current-Channel 1
Product Type
Factory Pack Quantity :
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

SDN10-24-100P Alternative Parts

Image Part-Description
Stock Image SDN10-24-100P
DIN Rail Power Supplies 240W 24-28VDC 10A
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock: 21

We are delighted to provide the SDN10-24-100P from our DIN Rail Power Supplies category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the SDN10-24-100P and other electronic components in the DIN Rail Power Supplies category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image SDN 5-24-100C
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SDN30/40 RED
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SDN-16-12-100P
DIN Rail Power Supplies 192W 12V DIN P/S 115/230V IN
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SDN10-24-480C
DIN Rail Power Supplies 240W 3PH 24V 10A
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SDN40-24-100C
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SDN 20-24-480CD
DIN Rail Power Supplies 480W 24V DIN P/S 380/480V IN
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SDN1612100C
DIN Rail Power Supplies 192W 12V DIN PS 115/230VIN IECEX
Stock : 3
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SDN2.5-24-100P
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SDN2520RED
DIN Rail Power Supplies EXT.RED MOD 20A MAX 22.5-28.5V
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SDN4-24-100LP
DIN Rail Power Supplies 100W 24-28VDC 4A
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Image Part-Description
Stock Image 1194480000
Power supply: switched-mode; 180W; 24VDC; 24÷28VDC; 7.5A; 0.7kg
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 1194490000
Power supply: switched-mode; 360W; 24VDC; 24÷28VDC; 15A; 85÷550VAC
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 1194310000
Power supply: switched-mode; 600W; 24VDC; 24÷28VDC; 25A; 85÷550VAC
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 1194410000
Power supply: switched-mode; 91W; 24VDC; 24÷28VDC; 3.8A; 85÷264VAC
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image S-10-48
Power supply: switched-mode; 10W; 48VDC; 0.2A; 85÷265VAC; IP20
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image S-30-15
Power supply: switched-mode; 30W; 15VDC; 2A; 85÷265VAC; 90÷350VDC
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image S-50-05
Power supply: switched-mode; 50W; 5VDC; 10A; 85÷265VAC; 90÷350VDC
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image S-50-15
Power supply: switched-mode; 50W; 15VDC; 3.33A; 85÷265VAC; IP20
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image S-50-48
Power supply: switched-mode; 50W; 48VDC; 1A; 85÷265VAC; 90÷350VDC
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image S-75-12
Power supply: switched-mode; 75W; 12VDC; 6.25A; 85÷265VAC; IP20
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

DIN Rail Mounting/Montaje en Riel DIN/Montage du Rail DIN Installation Specifications Fuse Input: Internally fused. Output: Outputs are capable of providing high currents for short periods of time for inductive load startup or switching. Relay Contact Rating 50 V dc 50 mA Power Supplies Mounting Simple snap to DIN TS35/7.5 or TS35/15 rail system. Unit should handle normal shock and vibration of industrial use and transportation without falling off the rail. Connections 2 Input: Screw terminals. Connector size range: 1610 AWG (1.56 mm ) for solid conductors. SDN-P Series 2 Output: Two terminals per output. Connector size range: 1610 AWG (1.56 mm ) for 1. Tilt unit as illustrated. solid conductors. Incline la unidad como se ilustra. Incliner lappareil comme illustr. 2. Put unit onto the DIN rail. Especificaciones de Instalacin Pngala sobre el Riel DIN. Fusible Encliqueter sur le Rail DIN. Entrada: Fusibles internos. 3. Push unit downward until it stops. Salida: Las salidas son capaces de suministrar altas corrientes por periodos cortos de Empuje hacia abajo hasta que se detenga. tiempo para arranque de carga inductiva o conmutada. Pousser vers le bas jusqu larrt. Especificacin del Contacto de Relevo 4. Push at the lower front edge to lock. P/N: A272-044 Rev. 5 01/21/11 Empuje de la parte baja del frente para asegurar. 2011 EGS Electrical Group, LLC. 50 V dc 50 mA Appuyer sur le bord infrieur pour fixer. All rights reserved. Specifica tions subject to change without notice. Montaje 5. Gently shake the unit to ensure that it is secure. Se adapta de manera sencilla en sistema Riel DIN TS35/7.5 sistema TS35/15. La Mueva la unidad ligeramente para verificar est segura. unidad debe soportar un golpe normal y vibracin de uso industrial y transportacin Vrifier que lappareil est bien fix. sin caer del riel. Conexiones Safety/Seguridad/Scurit Dimensions/Dimensiones/Dimensions Entrada: Terminales de entrada con tornillo. Rango de tamao del conector: 1610 WaRNINg Explosion Hazard Do not disconnect the equipment while the 2 AWG (1.56 mm ) para conductores slidos. W D circuit is live or unless the area is known to be free of ignitable concentrations. Salida: Dos terminales por salida. Rango de tamao del conector: 1610 AWG (1.56 2 mm ) para conductores slidos. WaRNINg Explosion Hazard Do not open the unit. Do not substitute components. WaRNINg Exposure to some chemicals may degrade the sealing proper - Spcifications dinstallation ties of materials used in the sealed relay device. Fusible aDVERtENCIa Peligro de Explosion No desconecta el equipo mientras Entre : Avec fusible incorpor intrieurement. H el circuito es vivo o a menos que el rea sea sabida ser libre de concentra - Sortie : Les sorties peuvent produire des courants levs pendant de brves priodes Power Supply ciones de ignitable. pour le dmarrage ou la commutation par charge inductive. aDVERtENCIa Peligro de Explosion No abra la unidad. No sustituya IND.CONT.EQ. Valeur nominale de contacts de relais componentes. 50 V dc 50 mA aDVERtENCIa Exposicin a algunas sustancias qumicas puede degradar Monture las propiedades que sellan de materias utilizadas en el dispositivo sellado de relevo. Simple claquement DIN TS35/7.5 ou TS35/15 systme de courante. Lunit devrait prendre du choque normal et de vibration de lusage industriel et transport sans attENtIoN Risque dexplosion Ne dbranche pas lquipement drailler. pendant que le circuit est en vie ou moins que le secteur est su pour tre Model H W D Conexiones libre de concentrations dignitable. SDN 2.5-24-100P 4.88 in. (124 mm) 1.97 in. (50 mm) 4.55 in. (116 mm) 2 Entre : Terminals des vis. Dimensions du raccordement : 1610 AWG (1.56 mm ) attENtIoN Risque dexplosion Ne pas ouvrir lunit. Ne pas substituer SDN 4-24-100LP 4.88 in. (124 mm) 2.56 in. (65 mm) 4.55 in. (116 mm) pour des conducteurs solides. des composants. SDN 5-24-100P 4.88 in. (124 mm) 2.56 in. (65 mm) 4.55 in. (116 mm) Sortie : Deux terminals par puissance. Dimensions du raccordement : 1610 AWG attENtIoN lExposition quelques produits chimiques peut dgrader les 2 (1.56 mm ) pour des conducteurs solides. SDN 10-24-100P 4.88 in. (124 mm) 3.26 in. (83 mm) 4.55 in. (116 mm) proprits scellant de matriels utiliss dans lappareil de relais scell. While every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy and completeness in this literature, EGS Electrical Group, LLC. assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability for damages resulting from use of this information or for any errors or omissions. Aunque se ha tomado toda precaucin para asegurar precisin e integridad en esta informacin, EGS Electrical Group, LLC, no asume ninguna responsabilidad y deniega toda responsabilidad por daos que resulten por el uso de esta informacin o por cualquier error u omisin. Nous avons pris toutes les prcautions possibles pour assurer lexactitude et lintgrit du prsent document cependant EGS Electrical Group, LLC. nassume aucune obligation et rejette toute responsabilit en ce qui concerne les dommages dcoulant de lutilisation du prsent document ou de toute erreur ou omission quil pourrait comprendre.t echnical Specifications Datos tcnicos Donnes t echniques Input Entrada Entrs Nominal Voltage 115/230 V ac, auto select (SDN 2.5-24-100P universal) Voltaje Nominal 115/230 V ac, auto-seleccionable (SDN 2.5-24-100P universal) Valeur Nominale 115/230 V ac, slection auto (SDN 2.5-24-100P universel) Power Factor (PFC) As required to meet EN61000-3-2 Factor de Potencia (PFC) Segn se requiere para cumplir con EN61000-3-2 Facteur de Puissance (PFC) Remplir des conditions dEN61000-3-2 SDN 2.5-24-100P: 1.3 A/0.7 A Typically <25 A SDN 2.5-24-100P: 1.3 A/0.7 A Tpicamente <25 A SDN 2.5-24-100P : 1.3 A/0.7 A Typiquement <25 A SDN 4-24-100LP: 2.1 A/1.0 A Typically <20 A SDN 4-24-100LP: 2.1 A/1.0 A Tpicamente <20 A SDN 4-24-100LP : 2.1 A/1.0 A Typiquement <20 A Nominal/Inrush Current Corriente de Nominal/Arranque Courant de Nominale/Inrupption SDN 5-24-100P: 2.2 A/1.0 A Typically <20 A SDN 5-24-100P: 2.2 A/1.0 A Tpicamente <20 A SDN 5-24-100P : 2.2 A/1.0 A Typiquement <20 A SDN 10-24-100P: 5.0 A/2.0 A Typically <40 A SDN 10-24-100P: 5.0 A/2.0 A Tpicamente <40 A SDN 10-24-100P : 5.0 A/2.0 A Typiquement <40 A SDN 2.5-24-100P: 85264 V ac 90375 V dc SDN 2.5-24-100P: 85264 V ac 90375 V dc SDN 2.5-24-100P : 85264 V ac 90375 V dc Tous les Voltage Voltaje Tension All other models: 85132/176264 V ac 210375 V dc Todos los otros modelos: 85132/176264 V ac 210375 V dc autres modles : 85132/176264 V ac 210375 V dc output Salida Sortie SDN 4-24-100LP: 24 V (22.525.7 V dc Adjustable) SDN 4-24-100LP: 24 V (22.525.7 V dc Ajustable) SDN 4-24-100LP : 24 V (22.525.7 V dc Ajustable) Nominal Voltage Voltaje Nominal Valeur Nominale All other models: 24 V (22.528.5 V dc Adjustable) Todos los otros modelos: 24 V (22.528.5 V dc Ajustable) Tous les autres modles : 24 V (22.528.5 V dc Ajustable) SDN 2.5-24-100P: 2.5 A SDN 4-24-100LP: 3.8 A SDN 2.5-24-100P: 2.5 A SDN 4-24-100LP: 3.8 A SDN 2.5-24-100P : 2.5 A SDN 4-24-100LP : 3.8 A Current Corriente Courant SDN 5-24-100P: 5.0 A SDN 10-24-100P: 10.0 A SDN 5-24-100P: 5.0 A SDN 10-24-100P: 10.0 A SDN 5-24-100P : 5.0 A SDN 10-24-100P : 10.0 A SDN 2.5-24-100P: 60 W SDN 4-24-100LP: 92 W SDN 2.5-24-100P: 60 W SDN 4-24-100LP: 92 W SDN 2.5-24-100P : 60 W SDN 4-24-100LP : 92 W Power Potencia Puissance SDN 5-24-100P: 120 W SDN 10-24-100P: 240 W SDN 5-24-100P: 120 W SDN 10-24-100P: 240 W SDN 5-24-100P : 120 W SDN 10-24-100P : 240 W SDN 4-24-100LP: N/A SDN 4-24-100LP: N/A SDN 4-24-100LP : N/A Tous les autres modles : 2 x Power Boost Elevacin de Potencia Puissance de Survoltage All other models: 2 x nominal current for 2 s Todos los otros modelos: 2 x la corriente nominal por 2 s valeur nominale pendant 2 s Hold-up Time >20 ms at full load (25C) Tiempo de Retencin >20 ms at full load (25C) Temps de Tient >20 ms pleine charge (25C) Tolerance < 2% overall Tolerancia < 2% en todo el rango Tolrance < 2% total Line Regulation <0.5% Regulacin de Lnea <0.5% Rgulation de Ligne <0.5% Load Regulation <0.5% Regulacin de Carga <0.5% Rgulation de Charge <0.5% Time & Temperature Drift <1% Desviacin de Tiempo y Temp <1% Dcalage Temps et Temprature <1% Initial Voltage Setting 24.5 V 1% Ajuste Inicial de Voltaje 24.5 V 1% Rglage Initial du Courant 24.5 V 1% Ripple <50 mVpp Rizo <50 mVpp Ondulation <50 mVpp Power Back Immunity >35 V dc Inmunidad de Potencia Inversa >35 V dc Contre Aliment. en Retour >35 V dc Parallel Operation Jumper selectable via front panel Operacin Paralela Jumper seleccionable a travs del panel frontal Opration Parallle Cble slectionner via panneau avant SDN 4-24-100LP: <27 V dc SDN 4-24-100LP: <27 V dc SDN 4-24-100LP : <27 V dc Overvoltage Protection Proteccin de Sobre Voltaje Protection Contre la Surtension All other models: <33 V dc Todos los otros modelos: <33 V dc Tous les autres modles : <33 V dc Standards, Certifications Estndares, Certificaciones Normes, autorisations EN61000-6-3 Class B EN55011 EN55022 Radiated Conducted including EN61000-6-3 Clase B EN55011 EN55022 Radiada Conducida EN 61000-6-3 Classe B EN55011 EN55022 Conduites Emissions Emisiones Emissions Dgages Annex A incluida en el Anexo A Annexe A incluse EN61000-6-2 EN61000-4-2 Nivel 4 EN61000-4-3 Nivel 3 EN61000-6-2 EN61000-4-2 Niveau 4 EN61000-4-3 EN61000-6-2 EN61000-4-2 Level 4 EN61000-4-3 Level 3 EN61000-4-6 EN61000-4-6 Nivel 3 EN61000-4-4 Nivel 4 entrada y nivel 3 salida Niveau 3 EN61000-4-6 Niveau 3 EN61000-4-4 Niveau 4 Level 3 EN61000-4-4 Level 4 input and Level 3 output EN61000-4-5 Immunity Inmmunidad EN61000-4-5 Aislamiento clase 4 EN61000-4-11 Proteccin contra Immunit alimentation et niveau 3 sortie EN61000-4-5 classe isolation Isolation Class 4 EN61000-4-11 Transient protection according to VDE Transientes de acuerdo a VDE 0160/W2 sobre todo el rango de 4, EN61000-4-11 Transitoire Protection selon VDE 0160/W2 0160/W2 over entire load range la carga sur gamme de charge entire cULus Enumr : UL 508, CSA C22.2 No. 107.1 cULus Listada: UL 508, CSA C22.2 No. 107.1 : UL 60950-1/ nd : UL 60950-1/CSA C22.2 60950-1 2 dition, UL60079-15 cULus Listed: UL 508, CSA C22.2 No. 107.1 : UL 60950-1/CSA a CSA C22.2 60950-1 2 edicin, UL 60079-15 and CAN/CSA- nd C22.2 60950-1 2 edition, UL 60079-15 and CAN/CSA-E60079-15 and CAN/CSA-E60079-15 Classe I, Zone 2, AEx nC IIC T3, E60079-15 Clase I, Zona 2, AEx nC IIC T3, Ex nC IIC T3 U sitios Class I, Zone 2, AEx nC IIC T3, Ex nC IIC T3 U hazardous locations, Ex nC IIC T3 U lieux dangereux, SDN 2.5-24-100P & SDN Approvals Aprobaciones peligrosos, SDN 2.5-24-100P and SDN 4-24-100LP: UL 1310/CSA Approbations SDN 2.5-24-100P and SDN 4-24-100LP: UL 1310/CSA C22.2 No. 223 4-24-100LP: UL 1310/CSA C22.2 No. 223 Classe 2 CE: a C22.2 No. 223 Clase 2 CE: IEC60950-1:2005 2 edicin, EN60950- nd nd Class 2 CE: IEC60950-1:2005 2 edition, EN60950-1:2006+A11:2009 IEC60950-1:2005 2 dition, EN60950-1:2006+A11:2009 1:2006+A11:2009 ATEX: II 3 G EEx nC IIC T3 EN61000-3-2, ATEX: II 3 G EEx nC IIC T3 EN61000-3-2, SEMIF47, ATEX: II 3 G EEx nC IIC T3 EN61000-3-2, SEMIF47, Sag Immunity SEMIF47, Inmunidad a Picos immunit sag Environmental Data Datos ambientales Donnes Climatiques Storage/Shipment: -25C to +85C Almacenamiento/Embarque: -25C to +85C Stockage/transport : -25C to +85C Ambient Temperature Full Nominal Load: -10C to +60C Temperatura Ambiente Carga nominal completa: -10C to +60C Temprature Ambiante Pleine charge nominale : -10C to +60C Derated: +60C to +70C Capacidad normal reducida: +60C to +70C Derated : +60C to +70C Degree of Protection IP20 (EN60529) Grado de Proteccin IP20 (EN60529) Degrs de Protection IP20 (EN60529) SDN 2.5-24-100P & SDN 4-24-100LP: 25 mm por encima y SDN 2.5-24-100P & SDN 4-24-100LP : 25 mm au por debajo, 25 mm izquierda y derecha, 10 mm por delante dessus et au dessous, 25 mm gauche et droite, 10 SDN 2.5-24-100P & SDN 4-24-100LP: 25 mm above and below, 25 Required Free Space for mm left and right, 10 mm in front SDN 5-24-100P: 25 mm above Espacio Requerido para SDN 5-24-100P: 25 mm por encima y por debajo, 25 mm LEspace Disponible Ncessaire mm en avant SDN 5-24-100P : 25 mm au dessus et au Cooling and below, 25 mm left and right, 15 mm in front SDN 10-24-100P: Enfriamiento izquierda y derecha, 15 mm por delante SDN 10-24-100P: 70 pour Refroidissement dessous, 25 mm gauche et droite, 15 mm en avant 70 mm above and below, 25 mm left and right, 15 mm in front mm por encima y por debajo, 25 mm izquierda y derecha, 15 SDN 10-24-100P : 70 mm au dessus et au dessous, 25 mm por delante mm gauche et droite, 15 mm en avant SDN 2.5-24-100P: 1.6 lb. (725 g) SDN 4-24-100LP: 2.4 lb. SDN 2.5-24-100P : 1.6 lb. (725 g) SDN 4-24-100LP : SDN 2.5-24-100P: 1.6 lb. (725 g) SDN 4-24-100LP: 2.4 lb. (1055 g) Weight Peso (1055 g) SDN 5-24-100P: 2.4 lb. (1055 g) SDN 10-24-100P: Poids 2.4 lb. (1055 g) SDN 5-24-100P : 2.4 lb. (1055 g) SDN SDN 5-24-100P: 2.4 lb. (1055 g) SDN 10-24-100P: 3.3 lb. (1480 g) 3.3 lb. (1480 g) 10-24-100P : 3.3 lb. (1480 g) t echnical Support Servicio tcnico a ssistance t echnique (800) 377-4384/(847) 268-6651 solahd.technicalservices emerson.com www.solahd.com (800) 377-4384/(847) 268-6651 solahd.technicalservices emerson.com www.solahd.com (800) 377-4384/(847) 268-6651 solahd.technicalservices emerson.com www.solahd.com

Tariff Desc

8504.40.90 POWER SUPPLIES, having BOTH:
(a) input voltages of 176V-246VAC, 47Hz-63Hz single phase OR 200V-230VAC, 50Hz-60Hz single phase
(b) multiple DC output voltages from minus 200 V to positive 200V
TC 9603032

8504.40.90 CHARGERS, ADAPTERS AND INVERTERS, AC/DC OR DC/DC OR DC/AC having ALL of the following:
(a) input voltage NOT less than 10V and NOT greater than 252V
(b) output voltage NOT less than 2V and NOT greater than 252V
(c) wattage NOT less than 40 W and NOT greater than 160W
(d) output current NOT greater than 17A - TC 1021920

8504.50.10 81
(a) designed for use with equipment of 8471
(b) for telecommunication apparatus of 8517 Free

8504.40.90 POWER SUPPLY UNITS, DC AND/OR AC output, complying with AS/NZS 60950 & AS/NZS CISPR 22, having ALL of:
(a) voltage NOT less than 2.5 V and NOT greater than 55V
(b) wattage NOT less than 0.02 W and NOT greater than 105W
(c) current output NOT less than 0.01 amp and NOT greater than 2.5amp
TC 1014564

8504.40.90 POWER SUPPLY MODULES having ALL of the following:
(a) input power at EITHER of the following voltages:
(i) 120VAC/240VAC
(ii) 24VDC /48VDC
(b) output power at EITHER of the following voltages:
(i) 5VDC, +15VDC, -15VDC, and 24VDC field I/O
(ii) 24VDC field I/O only
(c) circuitry monitors
(d) output adjusters
TC 9810001

8504.40.90 POWER SUPPLIES DC having BOTH:
(a) variable voltage NOT exceeding 30V
(b) maximum current output NOT exceeding 25amps
TC 9900597

8504.40.90 CONVERTERS, DC/DC, power output not exceeding 5W, being ANY of:
(a) single in line package
(b) dual in line
(c) surface mount device
TC 9601650

8543.90.20 20 Electronic microassemblies Free

8504.40.30 Static converters
(a) separately housed units, designed to be housed in the same cabinet as the central processing unit of equipment of 8471
(b) for telecommunication apparatus of 8517
60 No Electric current rectifying assemblies Free
63 No Other Free
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Image for all the cards that are accepted Image for all the cards that are accepted Image for all the cards that are accepted Image for all the cards that are accepted Image for all the cards that are accepted AS9120 Certified