The STM8S003F3P6TR with 8-bit Microcontrollers is a microcontroller unit (MCU) manufactured by STMicroelectronics. This value line device has 8kB of Flash memory, runs at 16MHz clock frequency, and offers extended EEPROM. It is based on the 8051 core (Cortex-M0 core) and is designed for limited resource applications such as measuring instruments, electronic games, appliances, and automotive components. It also contains a low-power option for low-power consumption applications. The STM8S003F3P6TR microcontroller unit comes with a wide range of peripherals, including a programmable real-time clock, timers, PWM, USART, SPI, I2C, 12-bit ADC, and comparator. It supports both serial and parallel Flash programming. The device offers up to 8KB of program memory and 2KB of data memory (EEPROM). It is also available in a 64-pin QFN package.