X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 Ranging and gesture detection sensor expansion board based on VL53L0X for STM32 Nucleo Data brief Description The X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 expansion board features the VL53L0X ranging and gesture detection sensor, based on STs FlightSense, Time-of-Flight technology. It is an evaluation board that provides an introduction to the ranging and gesture detection capabilities of the VL53L0X module. To allow the user to validate the VL53L0X in an environment as close as possible to its final application, the X-NUCLEO-53L0A1expansion board is delivered with a cover glass holder in which 3 different spacers of 0.25, 0.5 and 1mm height can be fitted below the cover glass in order to simulate various air gaps. Two VL53L0X satellites can be connected using the two 10 pin connectors. Features The expansion board is compatible with the STM32 Nucleo board family, and with the Arduino VL53L0X ranging and gesture detection sensor UNO R3 connector layout. module. Several ST expansion boards can be superposed Accurate absolute ranging distance, through the Arduino connectors, which allows, for independent of the reflectance of the target. example, to develop VL53L0X applications with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi interface. 4-digit display, displaying the distance of a target from the ranging sensor. Table 1. Ordering information Basic gesture recognition application can be Order code Description developed with a VL53L0X module. 0.25, 0.5 and 1mm spacers to simulate air gaps Expansion board for STM32 X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 Nucleo board family. Cover glass Two VL53L0X satellite boards Two 10 pin connectors for VL53L0X satellite boards Compatible with STM32 Nucleo board family. TM Equipped with Arduino UNO R3 connector. RoHS compliant. Full system SW supplied, download from www.st.com/VL53L0X. July 2016 DocID029178 Rev 2 1/5 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office. www.st.comBlock diagram X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 1 Block diagram Figure 1 describes X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 expansion board features. Figure 1. X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 expansion board block diagram 18&/(2 / H SDQVLRQ ERDUG &1 6&/ 3 3 9 9 6 9/ / 9/ / 9 /HIW FRQQHFWRU 5LJKW FRQQHFWRU *1 9 9 *3,2 B/ *3,2 B/B 9 9 *3,2 B5 *3,2 B5B 9 8 /HYHO *3,2 B/ ,17B/ UDQVODWRU 7 8 QG 9 5HJXODWRU 7 6 3:5 VROGHU GURS / 385 *3,2 *3,2 B 9 9 *3,2 B5 ,17B5 9 9 8 /HYHO 6+87B/ 6+87B/B 9 6 UDQVODWRU 7 6+87B5 6+87B5B 9 &1 &1 6+87 7 6 3:5 6+87B 9 9/ / 1& ,25() 5(6(7 9 9 9 9 8 9 6 B 9 6 /HYHO WUDQVODWRU *1 6&/B 9 6&/ 67 475 9,1 8 9 *3,2 ,17 *3,2 ( SDQGHU 6HJPHQW FRQWUROV LVSOD 1 FRGH 6703( 6HJPHQW FRQWUROV &1 8 *3,2 ( SDQGHU 5 8,12 9 256 &211(&7 6703( 2/5 DocID029178 Rev 2