The FDN5630 with SOT-23 MOSFETs ROHS manufactured by TECH PUBLIC is a three-terminal low-voltage, low-power, Surface Mounted Device (SMD) packaged dual-gate NMOS transistor. It is designed to operate in a wide range of applications such as digital logic circuits, power switches, and analog circuits.This particular MOSFET has a drain-source voltage rating of 20V, an on-resistance of 5 ohm, a switching speed of 20nS, and is RoHS compliant. It has an operating temperature range from -55 °C to 125 °C and comes in a SOT-23 SMD package with two available logic level thresholds; 0 and 4.5V.The FDN5630 is designed to provide an extremely low on-resistance with superior high-frequency performance. It has excellent ESD protection and is ideal for use in a wide range of consumer, commercial, and industrial applications, such as motor control, automotive systems, industrial controllers, and lighting systems.