The SI2356DS MOSFETs with SOT-23 package manufactured by TECH PUBLIC is a low-voltage N-Channel depletion mode MOSFET transistor. It is designed for use in low-voltage, low-power applications such as switch mode power supplies (SMPS), DC/DC conversion, hot-swap controllers, and protection circuits. This MOSFET is RoHS compliant and features an operating temperature range of -55°C to 125°C, gate charge of 24 nC, a capacitor of 7 pF, power dissipation of 250 mW, and breakdown voltage of 55V. This MOSFET is capable of delivering a pulsed drain current of 2.2 A, while having an on-resistance of 1.8 O. It is housed in a SOT-23 package with dimensions of 2mm x 2.6mm x 1mm.