The SN74HC367N is a hex buffer and line driver with three-state outputs, manufactured by Texas Instruments. It is a logic family part and is designed for use in applications between digital logic circuits and non-TTL input/output devices. The device is organized as four, noninverting buffers with both active high and active low enable inputs, as well as four bidirectional buffer/line drivers featuring tri-state outputs. All outputs, dependent on the logical state of the enable input, can be high, low, or in a high impedance state. This feature gives the device the capability to drive a large number of inputs or allow paralleling of other buffers/drivers. The SN74HC367N is suitable for use in applications where it is necessary to keep a low propagation delay, improve noise immunity, and reduce current loading. The device operates at a voltage range of 2 to 6.5 Volts and is rated for temperatures between -40°C to +85°C.