The D882 with SOT-89 package manufactured by TWGMC is a bipolar transistor. It is a three-terminal device used for amplifying, switching, and sensing current. It uses a silicon-based NPN substrate and is compliant with RoHS requirements. It has a maximum collector current rating of 200 mA and a maximum power dissipation of 625 mW. It can operate with a temperature range of -65 to 150 degrees Celsius. With its high breakdown voltage and high frequency operation, it is suitable for many applications. It is suitable for use in power management, audio/video, and consumer electronics applications. Its features include resonant circuits, motor control, switching applications, protection circuits, and so on. It is suitable for medium and high-power applications due to its low base-emitter saturation voltage, high current gain, and high switching speed. With its compact design and good thermal performance, it is ideal for use in tight space designs. The D882 with SOT-89 package manufactured by TWGMC is a high-performance bipolar transistor for use in a wide variety of electronic applications.