The ULN2003G-P16-R is an integrated Darlington transistor array driver IC manufactured by Unisonic. It is housed in a TSSOP-16 RoHS package and is designed to drive a wide variety of high power output devices such as stepping motors, relays, LEDs, and brushless DC motors. The device consists of sixteen independent Darlington transistors on a single chip and each channel’s collectors are capable of sinking up to 500 mA as well as sourcing up to 60 mA of current. The ULN2003G-P16-R is also a high-voltage device, featuring array of Darlington transistors with inputs compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL logic and outputs complementing the TTL output with an open-collector Darlington non-saturated transistor. Additionally, the device is designed for high-speed operation with a maximum propagation delay of 500 ns, making it an excellent choice for high powered and high-speed drive applications. Finally, the ULN2003G-P16-R is RoHS compliant and is a lightweight, space-saving choice for a wide variety of applications.