The STS10N3LH5 with 30V 13A 8mO@10V N Channel SOIC-8 MOSFETs ROHS manufactured by VBsemi Elec is a metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). It is designed to serve as a voltage and current amplifier and can be used in several applications such as power supplies, switching regulators, motor control, and logic circuits. This MOSFET has an 8-pin leadless surface mount package body with a low on-resistance for superior efficiency and switching performance. Its 8 millimeters x 8 millimeters package size takes up minimal real estate on the circuit board, making it ideal for system designs in need of compact components. With 30V of maximum drain-source voltage and 13A of maximum drain current, this MOSFET is capable of handling high amperage without needing frequent cooling cycles. It also has a low drain-source on-resistance of 8 milliohms @ 10V, which ensures low voltage and power losses, making it ideal for use in power supply applications. The device meets the requirements of the ROHS lead-free directive, and it is certified with a halogen-free package standard.