The XL74LS06 with Logic-Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers SOIC-14 RoHS by XINLUDA is an integrated circuit designed to be used as a logic buffer in digital logic circuits. It is a low-power, high-speed logic circuit that is capable of driving up to 16 TTL loads and up to 4 LSTTL loads. The XL74LS06 offers superior performance over conventional TTL usages and is RoHS compliant. This 14-pin SOIC package contains four Buffers, two Drivers, two Receivers, and two Transceivers, making it a versatile logic chip capable of handling a variety of logic applications. It operates over a wide voltage range from 1.5 up to 5.5V and has an output current of 400 mA. This chip also features a high ESD protection of 8,000V and is perfect for remote and mobile electronics.