ZSPM4023-12 24V/12A Synchronous DC/DC Buck Regulator Brief Description Benefits The ZSPM4023-12 is a constant-frequency, syn- Ultra-light load efficiency up to 80% at 10mA chronous DC/DC buck regulator featuring adaptive Up to 95% efficiency on-time control architecture. The ZSPM4023-12 Feedback reference accuracy as high as 1% operates over a 4.5V to 28V supply range (24V typi- cal). It has an internal linear regulator that provides a regulated 5V to power the internal control circuitry. Features The ZSPM4023-12 operates at a constant 600kHz Rapid-control architecture enables operation with (typical) switching frequency in continuous- a high input/output voltage ratio (e.g., V = 28V IN conduction mode and can be used to provide up to and V = 0.8V) and small output capacitance OUT 12A of output current. The output voltage is adjust- Adjustable output voltage from 0.8V to 5.5V able from 5.5V down to 0.8V. Universally compatible with most output Under medium to heavy loads, the ZSPM4023-12 capacitorsstable with zero to high ESR provides high efficiency and ultra-fast transient res- Power good (PG) output ponse via its rapid-control architecture. Under light Foldback current limiting and hiccup mode load conditions, it maintains high efficiency and a short-circuit protection superior transient response by transitioning to Safe start-up into pre-biased loads variable-frequency, discontinuous mode operation with its ultra-light-load architecture. The ZSPM4023-12 offers a full suite of protection Available Support features to ensure protection of the IC during fault Evaluation Kit conditions. These include under-voltage lockout to Support documentation ensure proper operation under power-sag con- ditions thermal shutdown internal soft-start to reduce inrush current foldback current limiting and Physical Characteristics hiccup mode short-circuit protection. The Input voltage range: 4.5V to 28V ZSPM4023-12 includes a power good (PG) output to Output current: up to 12A allow simple sequencing. Switching frequency: 600kHz Junction temperature: 40 C to +125 C 28-pin 5mm 6mm QFN package ZSPM4023-12 Typical Application Efficiency (V = 24V) IN vs. Output Current 95 5.0V 90 3.3V 85 2.5V 80 1.8V 1.5V 75 1.2V 1.0V 70 0.9V 65 0.8V 60 55 VV = = 2244VV ININ 50 0 3 6 9 12 15 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) For more information, contact ZMDI via Analog zmdi.com. 2013 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG Rev. 1.00 October 17, 2013. All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. EFFICIENCY (%) ZSPM4023-12 24V/12A Synchronous DC/DC Buck Regulator ZSPM4023-12 Functional Diagram Typical Applications Servers, work stations Routers, switches, and telecom equipment Base stations Ordering Information Product Sales Code Description Package ZSPM4023AA1W12 7 reel with 1000 ICs ZSPM4023-12 QFN28 5mmx6mm Temperature range: 40C to +125C ZSPM4023-12-KIT Evaluation Kit for ZSPM4023-12, including ZSPM4023-12 Evaluation Board. Kit Sales and Further Information www.zmdi.com Analog zmdi.com Zentrum Mikroelektronik ZMD America, Inc. Zentrum Mikroelektronik ZMD FAR EAST, Ltd. Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG 1525 McCarthy Blvd., 212 Dresden AG, Japan Office 3F, No. 51, Sec. 2, Dresden AG, Korea Office Global Headquarters Milpitas, CA 95035-7453 2nd Floor, Shinbashi Tokyu Bldg. 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However, under no circumstances shall ZMD AG be liable to any customer, Fax +49.351.8822.87.772 licensee, or any other third party for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to the furnishing, performance, or use of this technical data. ZMD AG hereby expressly disclaims any liability of ZMD AG to any European Sales (Stuttgart) customer, licensee or any other third party, and any such customer, licensee and any other third party hereby waives any liability of ZMD AG for Phone +49.711.674517.55 any damages in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of this technical data, whether based on contract, warranty, Fax +49.711.674517.87955 tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise. 2013 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG Rev. 1.00 October 17, 2013. All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.