X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of EH301 Energy Harvesting Modules across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. EH301 Energy Harvesting Modules are a product manufactured by Advanced Linear Devices. We provide cost-effective solutions for Energy Harvesting Modules, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

EH301 Advanced Linear Devices

EH301 electronic component of Advanced Linear Devices
EH301 Advanced Linear Devices
EH301 Energy Harvesting Modules
EH301  Embedded Solutions

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See Product Specifications
Part No. EH301
Manufacturer: Advanced Linear Devices
Category: Energy Harvesting Modules
Description: Advanced Linear Devices Energy Harvesting Modules 3.1V to 5.2V 8.3mJ 80msec25mA
Datasheet: EH301 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 107.9116 ea
Line Total: USD 107.91 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 131.167
10 : USD 119.4203
25 : USD 116.1716
100 : USD 108.0478

Ship by Fri. 07 Mar to Tue. 11 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 107.9116
10 : USD 99.8382
1000 : USD 99.8267

Product Category
Energy Sources to Convert
Energy Output Type
Output Voltage
Output Power
Input Voltage
Maximum Operating Temperature
Input Current
Minimum Operating Temperature
Hts Code
Product Type
Factory Pack Quantity :
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the EH301 from our Energy Harvesting Modules category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the EH301 and other electronic components in the Energy Harvesting Modules category and beyond.

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e TM ADVANCED EPAD LINEAR DEVICES, INC. EH300/EH300A/EH301/EH301A TM EH300/301 EPAD ENERGY HARVESTING MODULES GENERAL DESCRIPTION BENEFITS TM EH300/EH301 Series EPAD Energy Harvesting Modules can Eliminates manual and elaborate accept energy from many types of electrical energy sources and system trimming procedures store this energy to power conventional 3.3V and 5.0V electrical Remote controlled automated trimming circuits and systems. EH300/EH301 Series modules are com- In-System Programming capability pletely self-powered and always in the active mode. They are No external components intended for low power intermittent duty cycle sampled data or No internal clocking noise source condition-based monitoring/ extreme lifespan applications. These modules can accept instantaneous input voltages ranging from 0.0V to +/-500V AC or DC, and input currents from 200nA to 400mA from energy harvesting sources that produce electrical energy in APPLICATIONS either a steady or an intermittent and irregular manner with vary- ing source impedances. EH300/EH301 Series modules condition Sensor interface circuits the stored energy to provide power at output voltage and current Transducer biasing circuits levels that are within the limits of a particular electronic system Capacitive and charge integration circuits power supply specifications. For example, 1.8V and 3.6V is a useful Biochemical probe interface voltage range for many types of IC circuits, such as microproces- Signal conditioning sors. Portable instruments EH300/EH301 Series modules are designed to continuously and actively operate to capture, accumulate, and conserve energy from an external energy source. Each individual EH300/EH301 Series module is set to operate between two supply voltage thresholds, +V low DC and +V high DC, corresponding to the minimum (V ) L MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS and maximum (V ) supply voltage values for the intended appli- H cation. When an energy source starts to inject energy into the Outline Dimensions: inputs of an EH300/EH301 Series module in the form of electrical W x L x H : 0.55 in. x 2.00 in. x 0.70 in. charge impulses, these charge packets are collected, accumulated 4 Mounting Holes: 0.085 in. diameter and stored onto an internal storage capacitor bank. For most com- Weight: 0.5 ounce (14 grams) nominal mon energy harvesting applications, the electrical energy charge packets arrives in the form of input voltage spikes that are uncon- trolled and unpredictable. Often these cover a wide range of volt- ages, currents and timing waveforms. EH300/EH301 Series mod- ules are designed to accommodate such conditions with excep- tional efficiency and effectiveness. As an example, a EH300 mod- ule can cycle within 4 minutes at an average input current of 10A and within 40 minutes at an average input current of just 1.0A. ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description Top View J2 EH300 4.6 mJ Module / 1.8V to 3.6V operation J1 Ground 4 EH300A 30 mJ Module / 1.8V to 3.6V operation +Input 2 VR (Ready) 3 1 -Input VP (Output) 2 1 EH301 8.3 mJ Module / 3.1V to 5.2V operation +V EH301A 55 mJ Module / 3.1V to 5.2V operation Socket Adapter Cable: EHJ1C 6 inch cable / J1connector (Input) J1: Hirose Socket, 2 Position P/N : DF13-2S EHJ2C 6 inch cable / J2 connector (Output) J2: Hirose Socket, 4 Position P/N : DF13-4S Note: EH300A and EH301A are high energy output versions 2015 Advanced Linear Devices, Inc., Vers. 2.2 www.aldinc.com 1 of 4 E N A D E L BFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS The EH300/EH301 Series module s voltage on the onboard Leadfree (ROHS) compliant storage capacitor bank is +V, which is also the positive sup- Operating Temperature Range: 0 to 70 C ply voltage switched to power the output power load. Ini- Max. Average Operating Temperature : 50 C tially, +V voltage on an EH300/EH301 Series module starts Storage Temperature: -40 to +85 C at 0.0V. During the initial charge period, +V starts charging Humidity: To 90% (no condensation) from 0.0V. The module s internal circuit monitors and de- Protection: Conformal and Epoxy coated tects this +V voltage. When +V reaches V , the module H output (V ) is enabled and turned to the ON state and is P then able to supply power to a power load, such as a micro- INITIAL SETUP & CALIBRATION processor and/or a sensor circuit. The amount of useful en- ergy available is a function of the capacity of the storage EH300/EH301 Series modules are setup and calibrated capacitor bank. Meanwhile, an EH300/EH301 Series mod- at the factory to standard specifications and settings. ule continues to accumulate any energy generated by ex- No user setup is required. Optional user control signal ternal energy sources. If external energy input availability is and connection to external capacitor or battery storage high, output V remains in an ON state continuously, until P banks are available at the output port. All EH300/EH301 such time that external energy availability is lower than the Series modules are shipped ready to use. power demand required by the power load. As external en- ergy input exceeds power loading, +V increases until inter- nal voltage clamp circuits limit it to a maximum clamp volt- age. EH300/EH301 Waveforms During normal operation, as power is drawn from an EH300/ EH301 Series module, +V decreases in voltage. When +V + V reaches V , output V switches to an OFF state and stops L P supplying any further power to the power load. With built-in VH hysteresis circuits within the module, V now remains in the P OFF state, even when the external energy source starts VL charging the capacitor bank again by importing fresh new impulses of electrical energy. Once V level is reached again, H t1 t2 t3 t4 output V is then turned to the ON state again. Hence +V P VR voltage cycles between V to V voltage levels and then to H L the OFF state. When in the ON state, V can supply up to P VH 1A of current for a limited time period as determined by the stored useful energy and the energy demand by the power VL load. An optional input/ouput pin V functions as V on/off R P control (external input through 1K ) or as READY logical t1 control (output) signal preceeding output V switching. t2 t3 t4 P VP Input energy charging times t1 and t2 are limited by input energy available minus energy loss by an EH300/EH301 VH Series module. The energy output time period t3 is deter- mined by the rate of energy used by the power load as a VL function of energy stored. Low input energy hold time t4 is typically many orders of magnitude greater than the sum of t1 t2 t3 t4 t1, t2 and t3. EH300/EH300A/EH301/EH301A Advanced Linear Devices, Inc. 2 of 4 OUTPUT READY

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Advanced Linear Devices Inc.
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