X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of ALD114904SAL MOSFETs across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. ALD114904SAL MOSFETs are a product manufactured by Advanced Linear Devices. We provide cost-effective solutions for MOSFETs, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

ALD114904SAL Advanced Linear Devices

ALD114904SAL electronic component of Advanced Linear Devices
ALD114904SAL Advanced Linear Devices
ALD114904SAL  Semiconductors

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. ALD114904SAL
Manufacturer: Advanced Linear Devices
Category: MOSFETs
Description: MOSFET Dual EPAD(R) N-Ch
Datasheet: ALD114904SAL Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 6.15 ea
Line Total: USD 6.15 
Availability - 1
Ship by Fri. 07 Mar to Tue. 11 Mar
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Fri. 07 Mar to Tue. 11 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 6.15
10 : USD 4.895
50 : USD 3.344
100 : USD 3.146
500 : USD 2.827
1000 : USD 2.761

Product Category
Id - Continuous Drain Current
Vds - Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage
Rds On - Drain-Source Resistance
Transistor Polarity
Vgs th - Gate-Source Threshold Voltage
Minimum Operating Temperature
Maximum Operating Temperature
Pd - Power Dissipation
Mounting Style
Package / Case
Number of Channels
Vgs - Gate-Source Voltage
Channel Mode
Transistor Type
Product Type
Factory Pack Quantity :
Typical Turn-Off Delay Time
Typical Turn-On Delay Time
Hts Code
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the ALD114904SAL from our MOSFETs category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the ALD114904SAL and other electronic components in the MOSFETs category and beyond.

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e TM ADVANCED EPAD LINEAR DEVICES, INC. ALD114804A/ALD114804/ALD114904A/ALD114904 QUAD/DUAL N-CHANNEL DEPLETION MODE EPAD V = -0.40V GS(th) PRECISION MATCHED PAIR MOSFET ARRAY GENERAL DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS ALD114804A/ALD114804/ALD114904A/ALD114904 are high precision monolithic Functional replacement of Form B (NC) relays quad/dual depletion mode N-Channel MOSFETs matched at the factory using Ultra low power (nanowatt) analog and digital ALDs proven EPAD CMOS technology. These devices are intended for low circuits voltage, small signal applications. They are excellent functional replacements for Ultra low operating voltage (<0.2V) analog and normally-closed relay applications, as they are normally on (conducting) without digital circuits any power applied, but could be turned off or modulated when system power Sub-threshold biased and operated circuits supply is turned on. These MOSFETS have the unique characteristics of, when Zero power fail safe circuits in alarm systems the gate is grounded, operating in the resistance mode for low drain voltage lev- Backup battery circuits els and in the current source mode for higher voltage levels and providing a con- Power failure and fail safe detector stant drain current. Source followers and high impedance buffers Precision current mirrors and current sources ALD114804A/ALD114804/ALD114904A/ALD114904 MOSFETs are designed for Capacitives probes and sensor interfaces exceptional device electrical characteristics matching. As these devices are on Charge detectors and charge integrators the same monolithic chip, they also exhibit excellent temperature tracking char- Differential amplifier input stage acteristics. They are versatile as design components for a broad range of analog High side switches applications, such as basic building blocks for current sources, differential ampli- Peak detectors and level shifters fier input stages, transmission gates, and multiplexer applications. Besides Sample and Hold matched pair electrical characteristics, each individual MOSFET also exhibits well Current multipliers controlled parameters, enabling the user to depend on tight design limits corre- Discrete analog switches and multiplexers sponding to well matched characteristics. Discrete voltage comparators These depletion mode devices are built for minimum offset voltage and differen- tial thermal response, and they are suitable for switching and amplifying applica- tions in single supply (0.4V to +5V) or dual supply (+/-0.4V to +/-5V) systems where low input bias current, low input capacitance and fast switching speed are PIN CONFIGURATIONS desired. These devices exhibit well controlled turn-off and sub-threshold charactersitics and therefore can be used in designs that depend on sub-thresh- ALD114804 old characteristics. - - The ALD114804A/ALD114804/ALD114904A/ALD114904 are suitable for use in V V IC* 1 16 IC* precision applications which require very high current gain, beta, such as current mirrors and current sources. A sample calculation of the DC current gain at a drain G 2 15 G N1 N2 current of 3mA and input leakage current of 30pA at 25C is 3mA/30pA = M 2 M 1 3 14 D D 100,000,000. For most applications, connect the V+ pin to the most positive volt- N1 N2 age and the V- and IC pins to the most negative voltage in the system. All other + + S 4 V 13 V 12 pins must have voltages within these voltage limits at all times. - - 5 V V 12 S 34 FEATURES D 6 11 D N4 M 4 N3 M 3 Depletion mode (normally ON) G 7 10 Precision Gate Threshold Voltages: -0.40V +/-0.02V N4 G N3 Nominal R V = 0.0V of 5.4K DS(ON) GS IC* 8 9 IC* - - Matched MOSFET-to-MOSFET characteristics V V Tight lot-to-lot parametric control SCL, PCL PACKAGES Low input capacitance V match (V ) 20mV GS(th) OS 12 ALD114904 High input impedance 10 typical Positive, zero, and negative V temperature coefficient GS(th) - - V 8 V DC current gain >10 1 IC* 8 IC* Low input and output leakage currents G 2 7 G N1 N2 ORDERING INFORMATION (L suffix denotes lead-free (RoHS)) M 1 M 2 D 3 6 D N1 N2 Operating Temperature Range* - - 0C to +70C0C to +70C S 4 V 12 V 5 16-Pin 16-Pin 8-Pin 8-Pin SAL, PAL PACKAGES SOIC Plastic Dip SOIC Plastic Dip Package Package Package Package *IC pins are internally connected, connect to V- ALD114804ASCL ALD114804APCL ALD114904ASAL ALD114904APAL ALD114804SCL ALD114804PCL ALD114904SAL ALD114904PAL * Contact factory for industrial temp. range or user-specified threshold voltage values. 2016 Advanced Linear Devices, Inc., Vers. 2.3 www.aldinc.com 1 of 12 E N A D E L BABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Drain-Source voltage, V 10.6V DS Gate-Source voltage, V 10.6V GS Power dissipation 500 mW Operating temperature range SCL, PCL, SAL, PAL 0C to +70C Storage temperature range -65C to +150C Lead temperature, 10 seconds +260C CAUTION: ESD Sensitive Device. Use static control procedures in ESD controlled environment. OPERATING ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS + - V = +5V V = -5V T = 25C unless otherwise specified A ALD114804A/ALD114904A ALD114804/ALD114904 Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions Gate Threshold Voltage V -0.42 -0.40 -0.38 -0.44 -0.40 -0.36 V I =1A, V = 0.1V GS(th) DS DS Offset Voltage V 25 7 20mV I =1A OS DS V -V GS(th)1 GS(th)2 Offset Voltage Tempco TC 55 V/CV = V VOS DS1 DS2 Gate Threshold Voltage TC -1.7 -1.7 mV/CI = 1A, V = 0.1V VGS(th) DS DS Tempco 0.0 0.0 I = 20A, V = 0.1V DS DS +1.6 +1.6 I = 40A, V = 0.1V DS DS Drain Source On Current I 12.0 12.0 mA V = +9.1V, V = +5V DS(ON) GS DS 3.0 3.0 V = +3.6V, V = +5V GS DS Forward Transconductance G 1.4 1.4 mmho V = +3.6V FS GS V = +8.6V DS Transconductance Mismatch G 1.8 1.8 % FS Output Conductance G 68 68 mho V = +3.6V OS GS V = +8.6V DS Drain Source On Resistance R 500 500 V = +3.6V DS(ON) GS V = +0.1V DS Drain Source On Resistance R 5.4 5.4 K V = +0.0V DS(ON) GS V = +0.1V DS Drain Source On Resistance R 10 10 % DS(ON) Tolerance Drain Source On Resistance R 0.5 0.5 % DS(ON) Mismatch - Drain Source Breakdown BV 10 10 V V = V = -1.4V DSX GS Voltage I = 1.0A DS 1 Drain Source Leakage Current I 10 400 10 400 pA V = -1.4V, V =+5V DS(OFF) GS DS 44nAT = 125C A 1 Gate Leakage Current I 3 200 3 200 pA V = +5V, V = 0V GSS GS DS 11nAT =125C A Input Capacitance C 2.5 2.5 pF ISS Transfer Reverse Capacitance C 0.1 0.1 pF RSS + Turn-on Delay Time t 10 10 ns V = 5V, R = 5K on L + Turn-off Delay Time t 10 10 ns V = 5V, R = 5K off L Crosstalk 60 60 dB f = 100KHz 1 Notes: Consists of junction leakage currents ALD114804A/ALD114804/ Advanced Linear Devices 2 of 12 ALD114904A/ALD114904, Vers. 2.3

Tariff Desc

8541.21.00 16 No - - With a dissipation rate of less than 1 W Free

Advanced Linear Devices Inc.
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