Co., LtdThe BC237 with TO-92 Bipolar Transistors - BJT ROHS is an NPN general-purpose transistor manufactured by Changjing Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. It is designed for use in switching and amplification applications and is capable of handling currents up to 500mA. It has a wide range of operating voltages from 30V to 150V, a minimum gain of 65, and a low hFE of 30 at -10V. The BC237 provides a high transition frequency of 1.3GHz and a high-frequency gain of 630MHz. It can be used in a variety of applications, including audio and signal amplifiers, power supplies, DC-DC converters, and other analog circuits. The BC237 with TO-92 Bipolar Transistors - BJT ROHS manufactured by Changjing Electronics Technology Co., Ltd is reliable and suitable for commercial and industrial use.