The FCR520B with SOT-23 Bipolar Transistors - BJT ROHS manufactured by GUOXIN JIAPIN SEMICONDUCTOR is an ultra-small surface-mount transistor in a SOT-23 package. It is designed for use in switching and linear amplifiers, small signal amplifiers, and digital logic circuits. This device has low power dissipation, tight parameter distributions, and the highest gain that can be achieved in the SOT-23 package. The FCR520B with SOT-23 is RoHS compliant, with transistor structure being made up of N-channel or P-channel ultra-small silicon. This device offers the gain bandwidth product of 16MHz, collector cutoff current of 800mA, collector emitter voltage of 40V, and collector-emitter saturation voltage of 0.75V. Its switching time is 15ns (typical).