The HF20N50 is a MOSFET N Trench 500-volt 20-amp (Tc) 4-volt @ 250-microamp 340-milliOhm @ 10-amp, 10-volt TO-220F RoHS manufactured by Haolin. It is a transistor device with an insulated-gate single or double gate arrangement for switching large amounts of power. The device is designed for use as an electronic switch in applications such as AC/DC converter designs, switch-mode power supplies, industrial motor drives, power inverters, and motor controllers. It has high breakdown voltage, low on-resistance, and excellent surge performance. The safe operating area is optimized for high-speed switching, making it ideal for switching high-frequency pulse-width modulated (PWM) waveforms. The casing is made from robust plastic and designed to absorb vibration and thermal shock. The device has an encapsulated thermally conductive package that ensures excellent heat dissipation for high-temperature operation. It is rated compliant with the RoHS, making it safe for use in equipment and high-reliability applications.