The HC32F146KATA-LQFP64 is an Other Processors and Microcontrollers (MCUs) LQFP-64 RoHS manufactured by HDSC. This device contains an on-chip integrated processor core, peripheral features, and a wide range of memory and logic modules. It is designed to facilitate the development of low-cost, low-power, high-performance embedded applications. It can be used in a wide range of automotive, industrial, consumer, and communication applications. The HC32F146KATA-LQFP64 supports up to 16-bit data width instruction bus, ARMv8-M architecture based 32-bit RISC processor cores, 16M bytes of program memory, 2K bytes of data memory storage, and 1K bytes of SRAM. It also supports multiple I/O ports, Timers, Multi-Purpose Serial Communication (MPSC), Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control, CAN bus interface, I2C, UART, and other components. It operates at maximum supply voltages of 3.3V with frequencies up to 20MHz.