The HC32L176PATA-LQFP100 is an Other Processors and Microcontrollers (MCUs) LQFP-100 RoHS manufactured by HDSC. It is a highly integrated, low-power 32-bit microprocessor with the industry's highest core intelligence. The HC32L176PATA-LQFP100 is equipped with an ARM Cortex-M0, ARM Cortex-M3 processor, and on board memory, making it a powerful and versatile MCU. It is designed with power consumption in mind, and can run low duty cycle applications in energy-saving modes. The HC32L176PATA-LQFP100 also supports advanced and high-efficiency memory architecture, including CodeLite Flash and SysFlash memory. This MCU also features rich peripherals, including an Analog to Digital Converter, USB controller, and LCD interface. It is designed to be embedded in consumer, embedded, and medical applications.