The HSCB3010 with MOSFET N Channel 30V 20A 2.5V @ 250uA 10mO @ 20A,10V DFN2x2-6L RoHS is manufactured by HUASHUO. It is a semiconductor device that employed as a switching or amplifying component in electronic circuits. This particular model from the company is a type of metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) designed with 30V gate voltage range, 20A current limit, power dissipation rate of 2.5V @ 250uA, on-resistance of 10mO @ 20A, 10V, and packaged in a small DFN2x2-6L RoHS package. It is suitable for many power applications such as motor and solenoid driver, efficiency power supply, DC-DC converter, backup system, and many others.