The HSF4N65 is a MOSFET N Channel 650V 4A 4V @ 250uA 3O @ 2A, 10V TO-220F RoHS manufactured by HUASHUO. This electronic part is used in applications such as power switching, power supply regulation, and electronic loads. It is a voltage-controlled device consisting of four terminals: gate, source, drain, and body. It has a low on-resistance, low gate charge, and fast switching speed. It also has the RoHS certification, making it safe for use in the European market. The maximum drain current is 4A and the maximum drain-source breakdown voltage is 650V. It has gate-source threshold voltage of 4V @ 250uA. This part also has an SOA rating of 2A and 10V. It is provided with a TO-220F package that makes it suitable for PCB mounting and surface mount technology.