The HSM6115 is a MOSFET P-channel -60V 11A 2.5V @ 250uA 25mO @ 10A, 10V SOP-8 RoHS power transistor manufactured by HUASHUO. This device is designed to handle power applications in an electronic circuits. It is an integrated device suitable for use in a wide range of applications, such as switching applications, voltage and current regulation, ESD protection, and overvoltage protection. The device features a high-efficiency and low conduction loss, allowing for superior power dissipation and efficiency. It includes a built-in reverse polarity protection, which will ensure that any reverse polarity will not damage the device. This device also features static discharge protection, which helps to protect the device from static electricity. This device is RoHS compliant and is UL and CSA approved. It is available in an SOP-8 package.