CY2077 High-accuracy EPROM Programmable Single-PLL Clock Generator Sixteen selectable post-divide options, using either PLL or Features reference oscillator/external clock High-accuracy PLL with 12-bit multiplier and 10-bit divider Programmable PWR DWN or OE pin, with asynchronous or synchronous modes EPROM programmability Low jitter outputs typically 3.3 V or 5 V operation 80 ps at 3.3 V/5 V Operating frequency Controlled rise and fall times and output slew rate 390 kHz133 MHz at 5 V 390 kHz100 MHz at 3.3 V Available in both commercial and industrial temperature ranges Reference input from either a 1030 MHz fundamental toned Factory programmable device options crystal or a 175 MHz external clock For a complete list of related documentation, click here. EPROM selectable TTL or CMOS duty cycle levels Logic Block Diagram PWR DWN or OE Configuration Charge EPROM 1 Pump XTALOUT Q 10 bits XTALIN VCO or external clock P 12 bits HIGH ACCURACY PLL MUX / 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 CLKOUT Note 1. When using an external clock source, leave XTALOUT floating. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 408-943-2600 Document Number: 38-07210 Rev. *I Revised March 20, 2015 Crystal Oscillator Phase DetectorCY2077 Contents Pinouts ..............................................................................3 Switching Waveforms ..................................................... 9 Functional Description .....................................................3 Typical Rise/Fall Time Trends for CY2077 ................... 10 EPROM Configuration Block ...........................................3 Typical Duty Cycle Trends for CY2077 ......................... 11 PLL Output Frequency .....................................................3 Typical Jitter Trends for CY2077 ................................... 12 Power Management Features ..........................................4 Programming Procedures ............................................. 13 Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................4 Ordering Information ...................................................... 13 Operating Conditions for Package Diagrams .......................................................... 14 Commercial Temperature Device ...................................4 Document History Page ................................................. 16 Electrical Characteristics................................................. 5 Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information ...................... 17 Output Clock Switching Characteristics Commercial Worldwide Sales and Design Support ....................... 17 Over the Operating Range ...............................................6 Products ....................................................................17 Operating Conditions for PSoC Solutions ...................................................... 17 Industrial Temperature Device .......................................7 Cypress Developer Community ................................. 17 Electrical Characteristics .................................................7 Technical Support ..................................................... 17 Output Clock Switching Characteristics Industrial Over the Operating Range ...............................................8 Document Number: 38-07210 Rev. *I Page 2 of 17