The IRGP4066DPBF is an IGBT 600V Ultra Fast Trench IGBT manufactured by Infineon. This device is a power transistor that combines an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and a fast, avalanche-rugged, super-junction MOSFET. It utilizes a unique structure that allows superior performance, low on-state losses, low tail current, as well as excellent ruggedness. This device has an extremely fast switching performance, with switching times as fast as 2.4µs. It also features a low collector-emitter saturation voltage of 0.6V, as well as a low power density, making it suitable for highly efficient power conversion systems. This device is rated at 600V and has a maximum current capability of 61A. It operates at temperatures ranging from -55°C to 175°C. Additionally, this device is RoHS compliant and features a UL flammability rating of 94V-0.