The XMC1402T038X0032AAXUMA1 is a 16-bit Microcontroller Unit (MCU) manufactured by Infineon, specifically from its XMC1000 family of MCUs. It is well-suited for cost-effective, low-pin-count, low-power, and low-footprint applications, due to its wide array of features, such as a single cycle multiply instruction, a high-voltage programming option, and hardware efficient 3-axis motion control. Its key performance feature is its high-speed, low-power microcontroller core, allowing it to handle clock speeds up to 120 MHz and power consumption of lower than 0.7 mA/MHz. Its memory options include 8KBytes of flash memory, as well as a dedicated memory management unit (MMU) with 10-bit addressing. Other features, such as several communication interfaces, such as CAN, I2C, UART, and USB 2.0 full speed, a comprehensive set of power management functions, and an integrated advanced analog and sensor-signal processing capabilities, make this device an ideal choice for a wide range of embedded applications.