The IXFA230N075T2-7 MOSFET TrenchT2 HiperFETs Power MOSFET is a device designed to control power electronics. This device is designed using the latest, state-of-the-art technology and is manufactured by IXYS, one of the leading manufacturers of power MOSFETs. This device provides very high efficiency power switching and features low Qg and Qrr characteristics, enabling superior performance over other MOSFET devices. It is suitable for applications in inverters, motor drives, and various switching power supplies. It has very low on-state resistance and exceptional thermal performance, as well as ESD capability. The IXFA230N075T2-7 MOSFET also features low gate charge, low profile package, RDS(on) range from 40mOhm to 30mOhm and various gate charge configurations, making it an ideal device for designers looking for power MOSFET with high performance and reliability.