The IXTA140N12T2 is a MOSFET DiscMSFT NChTrenchGate-Gen2 device manufactured by IXYS. It is a discrete metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) packaged in a TO-263D2 package. It is comprised of a single N-Channel enhancement-mode lateral MOSFET that is commonly used as a power switch in industrial and automotive applications requiring excellent switching performance. It is designed to provide reliable, low-power operation with high power and thermal cycling capability. It is a 100V device with a maximum drain current of 140A and a threshold voltage of 1.2V. It has a wide range of features including a low on-resistance, low gate charge, high current carrying capability, high switching levels, and fast switching times. It is designed for use in a wide range of dc-dc converters, power supplies, motor drives, and other high-power applications.