The IXTH4N100L is an N-Channel Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) manufactured by IXYS Corporation. It has an RDS, on maximum of 4.0 milliohms, which allows for the operation of very high current using the MOSFET channel. It has a maximum drain current of 65A, a maximum drain-to-source voltage of 100V, and an operating temperature range of -55 to +150 degrees Celcius (-67 to +302 degrees Fahrenheit). Additionally, it has a maximum gate-to-source voltage of +/-20V and an ultra low input capacitance of 1.5pF. The IXTH4N100L is a high power density, high voltage MOSFET that can be used in switching inverters, motor drives, and LED lighting applications.