Marvell Alaska 88E3015/88E3016/88E3018 Single-Port Fast Ethernet Transceivers PRODUCT OVERVIEW The Marvell Alaska 88E3015, 88E3016, and 88E3018 are Marvells fourth-generation DSP-based physical layer (PHY) transceivers for Fast Ethernet (FE) applications. The devices contain all the active circuitry required to convert data streams to and from a Media Access Controller (MAC) and to and from the physical media. The 88E3015, 88E3016, and 88E3018 devices incorporate IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation, supporting both 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T networks over twisted-pair cable in full-duplex or half-duplex mode. The 88E3015, 88E3016, and 88E3018 all support the Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface (RGMII), with the 88E3015 and 883018 also supporting the Media Independent Interface (MII). They all feature a mode of operation supporting IEEE- F R PS % OLDQW 6 ( ) R ES W H L F Q U H W ZR U N W V K G H G G HYL W L R QDOO Q , GL F L F D HW ) L R V LPS ( (Q O Q ) DXOH G W ) P LQ RH , DU U QW ) G H U to provide a mechanism for transferring information from the local station to the link partner that indicates that a remote fault has occurred in 100BASE-FX mode. The Alaska 88E3015, 88E3016, and 88E3018 feature the Marvell Virtual Cable Tester (VCT) technology, which enables IT managers and networking equipment manufacturers to remotely analyze the quality and characteristics of the attached cable plant. Additionally, the devices use advanced mixed-signal processing and power-management techniques for extremely low power dissipation and high port count system integration. The 88E3015, 88E3016, and 88E3018 devices can operate from a single 2.5v or 3.3v supply. They are offered in low-pin count QFN packages which reduce board space and are ideal for small form-factor applications. In addition, the 88E3016 and 88E3018 are the only single-port FE PHYs available in the industry which are pin-upgradeable to Gigabit Ethernet. BLOCK DIAGRAM Fig 1. 88E3018 Functional Block DiagramMarvell Alaska 88E3015/88E3016/88E3018 FEATURES BENEFITS Supports RGMII interface (MII also supported in the 88E3015 and 88E3018) Reduces pin count and offers Gigabit Ethernet upgrade Automatic MDI/MDIX crossover at all speeds of operation Eases installation and reduces costs by working with both straight and cross-over cables PECL interface supporting 100BASE-FX applications HU EHU DSSOLFDWLRQV Y 6XSSRUWV )( R IEEE 802.3u compliant auto-negotiation XWRPDWLFDOO FRQJXUHV WR RU 0ESV MDC/MDIO management interface YLGHV H LEOH PDQDJHPHQW RSWLRQV 3UR Virtual Cable Tester (VCT) ,GHQWLHV DQG LVRODWHV FDEOH IDXOWV Coma mode support and energy detect feature PDQDJHPHQW IXQFWLRQDOLW YLGHV H LEOH SRZHU 3UR Supports 802.3ah unidirectional enable Enables the PHY transmit path even if no link is established Supports three LEDs per port DPPDEOH /( V DWLRQ RI SURJU OORZV IRU XVHU FRQJXU 88E3016/88E3018: Pin-upgradeable to Marvell Gigabit Ethernet PHY 88E3016/88E3018: Supports IEEE 1149.1 JTAG HO WHVWLQJ GHEXJJLQJ 6LPSOLHV ERDUG OHY APPLICATIONS Despite the existence of advanced Gigabit Ethernet, 10/100 Ethernet maintains a strong presence in corporate networks, in small home networks and in various media devices. The Marvell Alaska single-port FE PHY transceivers provide connectivity solutions for a variety of applications including DVRs, game consoles, media vaults, video cameras, printers, and notebook or desktop PCs. The Alaska 88E3015, 88E3016, and 88E3018 offer low-power dissipation, enabling system manufacturers to decrease their system costs by reducing power supply requirements. 88E3015 88E3016 88E3018 Package 56-Pin QFN 64-Pin QFN 64-Pin QFN Pin-Upgradeable to GbE No Yes Yes MII Yes No Yes RGMII Yes Yes Yes Virtual Cable Tester Yes Yes Yes Fiber Support Yes Yes Yes Parallel LEDs Yes Yes Yes Power Management Yes Yes Yes JTAG Support No Yes Yes Fig 2. Device Feature Comparison THE MARVELL ADVANTAGE: Marvell products come with complete reference designs which include board layout designs, software, manufacturing VWX VWLVV PHW HKW Q QRLWWDQHPFRX ORR LVWRQ JD L G UOR Z V H 0 Y Q UWSR G Q H UWSR K Z UH P RV Q RLWFLD OSS OH G engineers collaborate closely with end customers to develop and deliver new leading-edge products for quick time-to-market. Marvell utilizes world-leading semiconductor foundry and packaging services to reliably deliver high-volume and low-cost total solutions. ABOUT MARVELL: Marvell is the leader in storage, communications and consumer silicon solutions. Marvells diverse product portfolio includes switching, transceiver, communications controller, processors, wireless, power management and storage solutions that power the entire communications infrastructure, including enterprise, metro, home, storage, and digital entertainment solutions. For more information, visit our website at Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Copyright 2007. Marvell International Ltd. All rights reserved. Marvell, the Marvell logo, Moving Forward Faster, Alaska, Datacom Systems on Silicon, Fastwriter, Libertas, Link Street, 5488 Marvell Lane NetGX, PHYAdvantage, Prestera, Raising The Technology Bar, The Technology Within, Virtual Santa Clara, CA 95054 Cable Tester, and Yukon are registered trademarks of Marvell. Marvell Makes It All Possible, Ants, AnyVoltage, Discovery, DSP Switcher, Feroceon, GalNet, GalTis, Horizon, RADLAN, UniMAC, Phone 408.222.2500 and VCT are trademarks of Marvell. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 88E3015/16/18-001 2/07 H G D LW GXF YDOXDWLR DQ GXFLR DUOO GZL F W V G D G R U L V WR D F GHVLJQ H LELOLW 3UR YLGHV IRU IXWXUH XSJU DGH WR *LJDELW (WKHUQHW ZLWK LQFUHDVHG