MMA022AA DC to 30GHz Broadband MMIC Low-Noise Amplifier Description Features Low noise, ultra-flat gain 6- The MMA022AA is an eight stage traveling 20GHz: wave amplifier. The amplifier has been designed for low noise, flat gain, and good 2.5dB NF, 18 0.3dB gain Excellent 1.5-20GHz performance: return loss to 30GHz. The amplifier typically has 2.5dB NF and 17dB gain from 6-20GHz, Very flat gain (17 0.6dB) High Psat at 20GHz (20dBm) and 16dB gain from 0.04-30GHz. High P1dB at 20GHz (17dBm) Application Wideband operation: 0.04-30GHz Good input / output return loss The MMA022AA Broadband MMIC Low-Noise Amplifier is designed for low-noise and High isolation >30dB dynamic gain control broadband flat-gain applications in RF and Integrated temperature-referenced microwave communications, test equipment and military systems. By using specific power detector output 100% DC, RF, and visually tested external components, the bandwidth of operation can be extended below 40MHz. Size: 2390x920um (94.1x36.2mil) Key Characteristics: Vdd=5.0V, Idd=150mA, Zo=50 Specifications pertain to wafer measurements with RF probes and DC bias cards 25C 6 - 20GHz 1.5 - 20GHz 0.04 - 30GHz Parameter Description Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max S21 (dB) Small Signal Gain 16 17 - 16 17 - 14 16.5 - Flatness (dB) Gain Flatness - 0.3 0.6 - 0.6 1.0 - 1.5 2.0 S11 (dB) Input Match - -16 - -16 -13 -13 - -10 -8 S22 (dB) Output Match - -18 -15 - -18 -15 - -18 -15 S12 (dB) Reverse Isolation - -35 - -35 -30 -30 - -30 -25 P1dB (dBm) 1dB Compressed Output Power 16 17 - 16 17 - 12 13.5 - Psat (dBm) Saturated Output Power 19 20 - 19 20 - 14 16.5 - Pout 16dB (dBm) Output Power at 16dB Gain 17 18.5 17 18.5 - - - - - NF (dB) Noise Figure - 2.5 - - 5 - - 5.5 - RF (mV/mW) RF Detector Sensitivity - 0.5 - - 0.5 - - 0.5 - det SMD-00151 Rev D 1 of 6 Subject to Change Without Notice MMA022AA Typical Performance S21 Noise Figure S11, S22 S12 Output Power Group Delay SMD-00151 Rev D 2 of 6 Subject to Change Without Notice