The W332M72V-125BI is a Microchip general-purpose PIC32MZ 32-bit microcontroller. It features a 250 MHz MIPS32 processor, 32 KB of direct-mapped cache, 1 MB of internal Flash, and a flexible peripheral module. It is capable of 100 MIPS performance, with up to 16 MIPS/MHz core speeds, and an operating voltage of 2.1 to 3.6 V. It contains a set of peripherals such as WDT, RTCC, Core Timer, I/O ports, UARTS, SPI, I2C, CAN2.0B, 10-bit ADC, eCAP, PWM, and Ethernet MAC. It also contains two 32-bit High-Performance Timers/Counters, 5-output Compare/Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM), Dual 2 x 16 Channel Direct Memory Access (DMA), 11 Channel Universal Direct Memory Access (UDMA) controller, and the AltiVec SIMD Instruction Set.