Hex non-inverting buffers
Rev. 8 18 November 2011 Product data sheet
1. General description
The HEF4050B provides six non-inverting buffers with high current output capability
suitable for driving TTL or high capacitive loads. Since input voltages in excess of the
buffers supply voltage are permitted, the buffers may also be used to convert logic levels
of up to 15 V to standard TTL levels. Their guaranteed fan-out into common bipolar logic
elements is shown in Table 3.
It operates over a recommended V power supply range of 3 V to 15 V referenced to V
(usually ground). Unused inputs must be connected to V , V , or another input.
2. Features and benefits
Accepts input voltages in excess of the supply voltage
Fully static operation
5 V, 10 V, and 15 V parametric ratings
Standardized symmetrical output characteristics
Specified from 40 C to +85 C
Complies with JEDEC standard JESD 13-B
3. Applications
LOCMOS (Local Oxidation CMOS) to DTL/TTL converter
HIGH sink current for driving two TTL loads
HIGH-to-LOW level logic conversion
4. Ordering information
Table 1. Ordering information
All types operate from 40 C to +85 C.
Type number Package
Name Description Version
HEF4050BP DIP16 plastic dual in-line package; 16 leads (300 mil) SOT38-4
HEF4050BT SO16 plastic small outline package; 16 leads; body width 3.9 mm SOT109-1HEF4050B
NXP Semiconductors
Hex non-inverting buffers
5. Functional diagram
1A 1Y
2A 2Y
3A 3Y
4A 4Y
5A 5Y
11 12
6A 6Y
14 15
1A 1Y
001aae605 001aae607 001aae604
Fig 1. Logic symbol Fig 2. Logic diagram for one gate Fig 3. Input protection circuit
6. Pinning information
6.1 Pinning
V 1 16 n.c.
2 15
1Y 6Y
1A 3 14 6A
4 13
2Y n.c.
2A 5 12 5Y
3Y 6 11 5A
3A 7 10 4Y
V 8 9 4A
Fig 4. Pin configuration
6.2 Pin description
Table 2. Pin description
Symbol Pin Description
V 1 supply voltage
1Y to 6Y 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 15 output
HEF4050B All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. NXP B.V. 2011. All rights reserved.
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