Presettable 4-Bit Down
The MC14526B binary counter is constructed with MOS Pchannel
and Nchannel enhancement mode devices in a monolithic structure.
This device is presettable, cascadable, synchronous down counter
Inputs Output
Preset Cascade
Enable Feedback
Clock Reset Inhibit 0 Function
X H X L L L Asynchronous reset*
X H X H L H Asynchronous reset
X H X X H H Asynchronous reset
X L X H X L Asynchronous preset
L H L X L Decrement inhibited
L L L X L Decrement inhibited
L L L L L No change** (inactive edge)
H L L L L No change** (inactive edge)
L L L L L Decrement**
H L L L L Decrement**
X = Dont Care
** Output 0 is low when reset goes high only it PE and CF are low.
** Output 0 is high when reset is low, only if CF is high and count is 0000.
Preset Enable (Pin 3) If Reset is low, a high level on the other than all zeroes, the 0 output is valid after the rising
Preset Enable input asynchronously loads the counter with edge of Preset Enable (when Cascade Feedback is high). See
the programmed values on P0, P1, P2, and P3. the Function Table.
Inhibit (Pin 4) A high level on the Inhibit input pre Cascade Feedback (Pin 13) If the Cascade Feedback
vents the Clock from decrementing the counter. With Clock input is high, a high level is generated at the 0 output when
(pin 6) held high, Inhibit may be used as a negative edge clock the count is all zeroes. If Cascade Feedback is low, the 0
input. output depends on the Preset Enable input level. See the
Clock (Pin 6) The counter decrements by one for each Function Table.
rising edge of Clock. See the Function Table for level P0, P1, P2, P3 (Pins 5, 11, 14, 2) These are the preset
requirements on the other inputs. data inputs. P0 is the LSB.
Reset (Pin 10) A high level on Reset asynchronously Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 (Pins 7, 9, 15, 1) These are the
forces Q0, Q1, Q2, and Q3 low and, if Cascade Feedback is synchronous counter outputs. Q0 is the LSB.
high, causes the 0 output to go high. V (Pin 8) The most negative power supply potential.
0 (Pin 12) The 0 (Zero) output issues a pulse one This pin is usually ground.
clock period wide when the counter reaches terminal count V (Pin 16) The most positive power supply potential.
(Q0 = Q1 = Q2 = Q3 = low) if Cascade Feedback is high and V may range from 3.0 to 18 V with respect to V .
Preset Enable is low. When presetting the counter to a value
0 1 2 3 4
15 5
14 6
13 7
12 11 10 9 8