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Typical parameters which may be provided in ON Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including Typicals must be validated for each customer application by customers technical experts. ON Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. ON Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as a critical component in life support systems or any FDA Class 3 medical devices or medical devices with a same or similar classification in a foreign jurisdiction or any devices intended for implantation in the human body. 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This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.FTL75939 Configurable Reset Timer with Integrated Load Switch May 2014 FTL75939 Configurable Reset Timer with Integrated Load Switch Description Features The FTL75939 is both a timer for resetting a mobile device Factory Programmed Reset Delay: 7.5 s and an advanced load management switch for applications Factory Programmed Reset Pulse: 400 ms requiring a highly integrated solution. Factory Customized Turn-on Time: 2.3 s If the mobile device is off, holding /SR0 LOW (by pressing power-on key) for 2.3 s 20% turns on the PMIC. Factory Customized Turn-off Delay: 7.3 s As a reset timer, it has one input and one fixed delay output. Adjustable Reset Delay Option with External Resistor It generates a fixed delay of 7.5 s 20% by disconnecting the Low I Saves Power Interfacing to Low-Voltage Chips CCT PMIC from the battery power supply for 400 ms 20%. Then the load switch is turned on again to reconnect the battery to Off Pin Turns Off Load Switch to Maintain Battery the PMIC such that PMIC goes into power-on sequence. The Charge during Shipment and Inventory. Ready to use reset delay can be customized by connecting an external Right Out of the Box resistor to the DELAY ADJ pin. Refer to Table 4. Input Voltage Operating Range: 1.2 V to 5.5 V As an advanced load management switch, the FTL75939 Over-Voltage Protection: Allow Input Pins > V BAT disconnects loads powered from the DC power rail (<6 V) with stringent off-state current targets and high load Typical R : 21 m (Typ.) at V =4.5 V ON BAT capacitances (up to 200 F). The FTL75939 consists of a Slew Rate / Inrush Control with t : 2.7 ms (Typical) R slew-rate controlled low-impedance MOSFET switch (21 m typical at 4.5 V) that has exceptionally low off-state current 3.8 A / 4.5 A Maximum Continuous Current (JEDEC drain (<0.2 A Typical) to facilitate compliance with standby 2S2P, No VIA / with Thermal VIA) power requirements. The slew-rate-controlled turn-on Output Capacitor Discharge Function characteristic prevents inrush current and the resulting excessive voltage drop on power rails. Zero-Second Test-Mode Enable The low I enables direct interface to lower-voltage CCT Low < 0.2 A Typical Shutdown Current chipsets without external translation, while maintaining low IEC61000-4-2, , Level 4 compliant SYS WAKE Pin power consumption. ESD Protected: The device is packaged in advanced, fully green, 1.31 mm x 1.62 mm, Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Packaging (WLCSP) with - 8 kV HBM ESD (per JESD22-A114) backside laminate providing excellent thermal conductivity, - 10 kV HBM ESD (Pin to Pin, V & V ) BAT OUT small footprint, and low electrical resistance for a wide - 2 kV CDM (per JESD22-C101) application range. Applications Related Resources Smart Phones, Tablet PCs For additional information, please contact: Storage, DSLR, and Portable Devices