NCP1032 Low Power PWM Controller with On-Chip Power Switch The NCP1032 is a miniature highvoltage monolithic switching converter with on chip power switch and startup circuits. It incorporates in a single IC all the active power control logic and protection circuitry required to implement, with minimal external components several switching regulator applications, such as a secondary side bias supply or a low power DCDC converter. This MARKING converter is ideally suited for 24 V and 48 V telecom and medical DIAGRAMS isolated power supply applications. The NCP1032 can be configured in any singleended topology such as forward or flyback converter. WDFN8 1032x The NCP1032 is targeted for applications requiring up to 3 W. MN SUFFIX ALYW 1 The internal error amplifier allows the NCP1032 to be easily CASE 511BH configured for secondary or primary side regulation operation in isolated and non isolated configurations. The fixed frequency 1032 = Specific Device Marking oscillator is optimized for operation up to 1 MHz and is capable of x = A or B A = Assembly Location external frequency synchronization, providing additional design L = Wafer Lot flexibility. In addition, the NCP1032 incorporates undervoltage and Y = Year overvoltage line detectors, programmable cyclebycycle current W = Work Week limit, internal soft start, and thermal shutdown to protect the = PbFree Package controller under fault conditions. (Note: Microdot may be in either location) Features On Chip High 200 V Power Switch Circuit and Startup Circuit PIN CONNECTIONS Internal Startup Regulator with Auxiliary Winding Override Programmable Oscillator Frequency Operation up to 1 MHz V GND DRAIN External Frequency Synchronization Capability C V T CC GND Frequency Folddown Under Fault Conditions V UV/OV FB Trimmed 2% Internal Reference COMP CL Programmable CyclebyCycle Current Limit Internal SoftStart WDFN8 (Top View) Active Leading Edge Blanking Circuit Line Under and Over Voltage Protection ORDERING INFORMATION Over Temperature Protection See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package These are PbFree Devices dimensions section on page 20 of this data sheet. Typical Applications POE (Power Over Ethernet)/PD. Refer to Application Note AND8247 Secondary Side Bias Supply for Isolated DCDC Converters Stand Alone Low Power DCDC Converter Low Power Bias Supply Low Power Boost Converter Medical Isolated Power Supplies Bias Supply for Telecom Systems. Refer to App Note AND8119/D Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2014 1 Publication Order Number: August, 2019 Rev. 3 NCP1032/DNCP1032 VIN VOUT D1 COUT Cin 22 F 2.2 F D2 CVCC 2.2 F R3 VCC UV/OV CL RCL R4 CC RC NCP 1032 COMP R1 CP VFB CCT R2 Figure 1. Typical Application Dual Output Auxiliary Regulated Isolated Flyback PGND VDRAIN Internal Bias + I1 UVBAR 150 k LEB 5.7 V Driver LEBOUT 12.5 mA 2 k NUVLO nstart RT VCC 6.6 V Duty 2 k Cycle 3.0 V/ UVBAR NLOWVCC = 75% 3.5 V Fault 7.6 V I2 Delay HIVCC Q Q SET CLR 10.2 V S R Internal Bias 30 ns One Shot 2 k PWM Error ISET COMP NSS Amplifier 2 k FB LEBOUT + + NCL 2.5 V COMP 3.5 V 2 k Fault NUVLO IN1 Logic Internal Bias UVBAR IN2 OV OV/UV Comp 2 k NLOWVCC IN3 OUT2 2.24 V NOV NUV IN4 Fault + Current IN5 HIVCC Limit OUT3 nstart Fault SS NOV IN6 + IN7 Thermal Trip NUV 1.0 V UV Comp (all pins except VDRAIN pin are protected by 10 V ESD diodes) Figure 2. NCP1032 Simplified Block Diagram 2 CT GND VDRAIN