The PJM8205DNSG SOT-23-6 is a 6-pin MOSFET Packaged part from Pingjingsemi, with RoHS compliant materials. It is a low-voltage - 3V-20V, low-current, high-speed, surface-mount MOSFET which runs on N-channel technology. It is suitable for switching applications and is an ideal choice for automotive, consumer applications, industrial, and medical applications. Features of this part include low RDS(ON) and low gate charge. It has a maximum current rating of 8A with a drain of 175mOhm. Additionally, it runs on a maximum voltage of 20V with a gate-to-source voltage of 5V. Furthermore, the part is designed for small size while ensuring a high performance and low-power loss. This part is temperature and humidity rated for -55 C to +150 C and up to 95%RH.