DATASHEET Intermediate Frequency Digital Variable Gain Amplifier IDTF1200 GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The IDTF1200 is a Digitally Controlled Intermediate Ideal for high SNR systems Frequency Differential Variable Gain Amplifier for 22 dB typ Maximum Gain BaseStation and other commercial applications with a 23 dB gain control range low IF frequency. The device offers extremely low 7 bit parallel control Noise Figure over the entire gain control range. The device is packaged in compact 5x5 Thin QFNs with 200 0.25 dB Gain Steps ohm differential input and output impedances for ease Excellent NNooiissee FFiigguurree << 33..00 ddBB of integration into the receiver lineup. Versions 5mm x 5mm 28 pin package covering IF frequencies up to 300 MHz with low 200 Differential Input distortion are available. 200 Differential Output COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE NNFF ddeeggrraaddeess << 22ddBB 1122ddBB rreedduucceedd ggaaiinn 50 MHz 160 MHz frequency range The F1200 acts to enhance system SNR when VGA gain Ultra-Linear: IIPP33 ++4488 ddBBmm ttyyppiiccaall is reduced. The F1200 noise figure (NF) degrades only OO dB slightly (NF slope ~ -0.16 / ) over a 13 dB control External current setting resistor dB range while holding the Output IP3 approximately Fast Gain Step Settling < 20 nsec constant. The resultant improvement in noise can enhance the system SNR up to 2 decibels at low gain settings relative to a standard VGA. DEVICE BLOCK DIAGRAM The device has excellent DNL and INL simplifying digital compensation. The device also offers the extremely low ATTN AMP Harmonic, IM2, and IM3 distortion necessary to drive an Out In ADC directly in an IF sub-sampling application. AMP ATTN out APPLICATIONS In BaseStation Diversity Receivers Digital Pre-Distortion 7 Decode Bias Gain Wave Point-to-Point Radios V CC Control Control Logic Public Safety Receivers STBY I SET V V CC MODE PART MATRIX ORDERING INFORMATION Gain IF freq Part IP3 NF O Range range Omit IDT Tape & 0.75 mm height prefix Reel F1200 22 to -1 48 50 - 160 2.6 package F1206* 20 to -11 47 150 - 250 3.6 IDTF1200NBGI8 Industrial F1207* 20 to -11 46 230 - 300 3.7 Green RF product Line Temp range *Future Product RevO Page 1 of 13 April, 2011 IDT ProprietaryDATASHEET Intermediate Frequency Digital Variable Gain Amplifier IDTF1200 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS V to GND -0.3V to +5.5V CC All other Pins to GND -0.3V to (V +0.25V) CC I to GND -0.3V to +2.2V SET RF Input Power (ATTN IN+, ATTN IN-) G +10 dBm MAX Continuous Power Dissipation 1.5W (Junction Ambient) +41C/W JA (Junction Case) The Case is defined as the exposed paddle +4C/W JC Operating Temperature Range (Case Temperature) T = -40C to +85C C Maximum Junction Temperature 150C Storage Temperature Range -65C to +150C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) . +260C KEY FEATURE NOISE FIGURE SLOPE Standard Variable Gain amplifiers exhibit a NF/Gain slope of -1 dB/dB. Practically speaking, as gain is reduced, Noise Figure degrades dB for dB. The F1200 utilizes new technology that flattens the Noise Figure response (~ -0.16 dB/dB) for most of the gain control range while keeping distortion (Output IP3) constant. The result is that NF is improved up to 16 dB vs. a standard VGA at low gain settings. The graph below illustrates this by showing the IDTF1200 NF and IP3O vs. Gain setting contours. 50 45 Output IP3 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Noise Figure 5 0 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Gain (dB) RevO Page 2 of 13 April, 2011 IDT Proprietary NF (dB) and Output IP3 (dBm)