IDTQS3306A HIGH-SPEED CMOS DUAL BUS SWITCH WITH INDIVIDUAL ENABLES INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE QUICKSWITCH PRODUCTS IDTQS3306A HIGH-SPEED CMOS DUAL BUS SWITCH WITH INDIVIDUAL ACTIVE LOW ENABLES DESCRIPTION: FEATURES: Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent diode to Vcc The QS3306A provides a set of two high-speed low resistance (3 Very low ON resistance (5 typical) typical) CMOS switches connecting inputs to outputs without propagation Zero propagation delay, zero added ground bounce delay and without generating additional ground bounce noise. Individual Fast turn-on/turn-off time enables (OE) are used to turn on the switches. The QS3306A is ideal for Undershoot clamp diodes on all switch and control inputs signal and control switching since the device adds no noise, ground bounce, Available in SOIC package propagation delay, or significant power consumption to the system. The QS3306A can also be used for analog switching applications such as video. The QS3306A is characterized for operation at -40C to +85C. APPLICATIONS: Line control Hot-swapping, hot-docking Voltage translation (5V to 3.3V) Power conservation Capacitance reduction and isolation Clock gating Bus isolation Signal suppression/blanking FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 1A 2A 1OE 2OE 1B 2B The IDT logo is a registered trademark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE OCTOBER 2011 1 c 2011 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. DSC-5577/5IDTQS3306A INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE HIGH-SPEED CMOS DUAL BUS SWITCH WITH INDIVIDUAL ENABLES (1) PIN CONFIGURATION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Description Max Unit (2) VTERM Supply Voltage to Ground 0.5 to +7 V (3) VTERM DC Switch Voltage VS 0.5 to +7 V 1OE 8 1 Vcc (3) VTERM DC Input Voltage VIN 0.5 to +7 V VAC AC Input Voltage (pulse width 20ns) 3 V 1A 7 2 2OE IOUT DC Output Current 120 mA PMAX Maximum Power Dissipation 0.5 W 1B 6 3 2A TSTG Storage Temperature 65 to +150 C GND 4 5 2B NOTES: 1. Stresses greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. 2. VCC terminals. 3. All terminals except VCC . SOIC (S1) TOP VIEW CAPACITANCE (TA = +25C, f = 1MHz, VIN = 0V, VOUT = 0V) (1) Pins Typ. Max. Unit OE (Inputs) 3 5 pF Quickswitch Channels (Switch OFF) 5 7 pF NOTE: 1. This parameter is guaranteed but not production tested. PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Names I/O Description 1A - 2A I/O Bus A 1B - 2B I/O Bus B 1OE - 2OE I Switch Enable (1) FUNCTION TABLE xOE xA xB Function L H H Connect L L L Connect H X X Disconnect NOTE: 1. H = HIGH Voltage Level L = LOW Voltage Level X = Don t Care 2