ACS302-5T3 ASD THREE LINES AC SWITCH ARRAY AC Switch Family MAIN APPLICATIONS n AC on-off static switching in appliance & industrial control systems n Drive of low power high inductive or resistive loads like: - relay, valve, solenoid, dispenser - pump, fan, micro-motor - low power lamp bulb, door lock FEATURES SO-20 n THREE HIGH VOLTAGE AC SWITCH ARRAY Wired package n BLOCKING VOLTAGE: V /V = 500V DRM RRM n CLAMPING VOLTAGE: V = 600 V CL PIN-OUT n NOMINAL CONDUCTING CURRENT PER LINE: I = 0.2 A T(RMS) n NOMINAL CONDUCTING CURRENT FOR TOTAL ARRAY: I = 0.4 A T(RMS) 11.2cm = 2.54 n GATE TRIGGERING CURRENT: I <5mA GT OUTPUT 1 1 20 COM 2 19 Pin 11 8.5cm BENEFITS 3 18 GATE 1 n Needs no external overvoltage protection 4 17 n Enables equipment to meet IEC61000-4-5 OUTPUT 2 5 16 GATE 2 standard 6 15 3.81cm = 1.5 Pin 1 n Interfaces directly with a microcontroller 7 14 n Eliminates any stressing gate kick back on the Pins 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, GATE 3 8 13 and 19, 17, 15, 14, 12 microcontroller are not connected. 2.54cm = 1 OUTPUT 3 9 12 n Array structure: design simplified, increase 10 11 COM reliability and space saving aspects n Mounting in SO-20 package enables the device to meet IEC335-1 standard DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM The ACS302 belongs to the AC line switch family built around the ASD concept. This high OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 performance device inludes 3 bidirectionnal AC switches able to control an 0.2A resistive or ACS302 inductive load device. Each ACS switch embeds a high voltage clamping structure to absorb the inductive turn off S1 S2 S3 energy and a gate level shifter driver to separate the digital controller from the main switch. It is triggered with a negative gate current flowing out of the gate pin. COM G1 G2 G3 ASD and ACS are trademarks of STMicroelectronics. January 2003 - Ed: 2 1/8 Obsolete Product(s) - Obsolete Product(s)ACS302-5T3 ABSOLUTE RATINGS (limiting values) Symbol Parameter Value Unit V /V Repetitive peak off-state voltage Tj = 125 C 500 V DRM RRM I RMS on-state current full cycle sine wave 50 to 60 Hz Tamb = 110 C One switch on = 0.2 A T(RMS) Tamb = 90 C Array: 0.4 A I Non repetitive surge peak on-state current F =50 Hz 7.3 A TSM Tj initial = 25C, full cycle sine wave F =60 Hz 7.6 A dI/dt Critical rate of repetitive rise of on-state current F =120 Hz 20 A/s I = 10mA with tr = 100ns G note 1 V Non repetitive line peak pulse voltage 2kV PP Tstg Storage temperature range - 40 to + 150 C Tj Operating junction temperature range - 30 to + 125 C Tl Maximum lead temperature for soldering during 10s 260 C Note 1: according to test described by IEC61000-4-5 standard and figure 3. SWITCH GATE CHARACTERISTICS (maximum values) Symbol Parameter Value Unit P Average gate power dissipation 0.1 W G (AV) I Peak gate current (tp = 20s) 1 A GM V Peak positive gate voltage (respect to the pin COM) 5 V GM THERMAL RESISTANCES Symbol Parameter Value Unit Rth (j-a) Junction to ambient 93 C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Test Conditions Values Unit I V = 12V R = 140 Tj=25C MAX 5 mA GT OUT L V V = 12V R = 140 Tj=25C MAX 0.9 V GT OUT L V V =V R = 3.3k Tj=125C MIN 0.15 V GD OUT DRM L I I = 100mA gate open Tj=25C TYP 20 mA H OUT MAX 45 I I = 10mA Tj=25C TYP 25 mA L G MAX 50 V I = 0.3A tp = 380s Tj=25C MAX 1.2 V TM OUT I V =V Tj=25C MAX 2 A DRM OUT DRM I V =V RRM OUT RRM Tj=125C MAX 200 dV/dt V = 400V gate open Tj=110C MIN 300 V/s OUT (dI/dt)c (dV/dt)c = 5V/sI > 0 Tj=110C MIN 0.1 A/ms OUT (dV/dt)c = 10V/s I < 0 Tj=110C MIN 0.15 A/s OUT V I = 1mA tp = 1ms Tj=25C TYP 600 V CL CL 2/8 Obsolete Product(s) - Obsolete Product(s)