The STM32MP157AAC3T is a dual-core microprocessor manufactured by STMicroelectronics. This device features a low-power Arm Cortex-A7 RISC 32-bit 650MHz processor, with a package size of 361 pins in a TFBGA surface mount configuration. The STM32MP157AAC3T has a variety of features, such as two power planes, two general-purpose controllers, USB 2.0/3.0 high-speed ports, CAN, Ethernet, and other peripherals. The STM32MP157AAC3T supports multiple operating systems such as Linux, Android, and Uboot, and includes multi-lane symmetric and asymmetric LCD, MIPI-DSI, and MIPI-CSI2 interfaces. The device is perfect for embedded applications such as heathcare, transportation, home automation, and building automation.