Prod uct Bul le tin JANTX, JANTXV, 2N2222AUB Sep tem ber 1996 Surface Mount NPN General Purpose Transistor Type JANTX, JANTXV, 2N2222AUB o Fea ture Ab so lute Maxi mum Rat ings (T = 25 C un less oth er wise noted) A Collector- Base Volt age . 75 V Ceramic surface mount package Collector- Emitter Volt age 50 V Miniature package to minimize circuit Emitter- Base Volt age . 6.0 board area Col lec tor Current- Continuous 800 mA Hermetically sealed o o Op er at ing Junc tion Tem pera ture (T ) -65 C to +200 C J Qualification per MIL-S-19500/255 o o Stor age Junc tion Tem pera ture (T ) -65 C to +200 C stg Same footprint and pin-out as many o Power Dis si pa tion T = 25 C . 0.3 W SOT-23 package transistors A o (1) Power Dis si pa tion T = 25 C 1.16 W C o De scrip tion Sol der ing Tem pera ture (va por phase re flow for 30 sec.) . 215 C o Sol der ing Tem pera ture (heated collet for 5 sec.) 260 C The JANTX/TXV2N2222AUB is a Notes: o o miniature hermetically sealed ceramic (1) Der ate line arly 6.6 mW/ C above 25 C. surface mount general purpose switching transistor. The miniature three pin ceramic package is ideal for upgrading commercial grade circuits to military reliability levels where plastic SOT-23 devices have been used. The UB suffix denotes the 3 terminal chip carrier package, type B per MIL-PRF- 19500/255. Typical screening and lot acceptance tests are provided on page 13-4. The burn-in condition is V = 30 V, P = 200 CB D o mW, T = 25 C, t =80 hrs. Refer to MIL- A PRF-19500/255 for complete requirements. In addition, the TX and TXV versions are 100% thermal response tested. When ordering parts without processing, do not use a JAN prefix. Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972) 323- 2200 Fax (972) 323- 2396 15-6Types JANTX, JANTXV-2N2222AUB o Elec tri cal Char ac ter is tics (T = 25 C un less oth er wise noted) A SYM BOL PA RAME TER MIN MAX UNITS TEST CON DI TION Off Char ac ter is tics V Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage 75 V IC = 10 A, I = 0 (BR)CBO E V Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage 50 V I = 10 mA, I = 0 (BR)CEO C B V Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage 6.0 V I = 10 A, I = 0 (BR)EBO E C I Collector-Base Cutoff Current 10 nA V = 60 V, I = 0 CBO CB E o 10 A V = 60 V, I = 0, T = 150 C CB E A I Emitter-Base Cutoff Current 10 nA V = 4 V, I = 0 EBO EB C I Collector-Emitter Cutoff Current 50 nA V = 50 V CES CE On Char ac ter is tics h Forward-Current Transfer Ratio 50 - V = 10 V, I = 0.1 mA FE CE C 75 325 - V = 10 V, I = 1.0 mA CE C 100 - V = 10 V, I = 10 mA CE C (2) 100 300 - V = 10 V, I = 150 mA CE C (2) 30 - V = 10 V, I = 500 mA CE C o 35 - V = 10 V, I = 10 mA, T = -55 C CE C A (2) V Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage 0.30 V I = 150 mA, I = 15 mA CE(SAT) C B (2) 1.0 V I = 500 mA, I = 15 mA C B (2) V Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage 0.60 1.20 V I = 150 mA, I = 15 mA BE(SAT) C B (2) 2.0 V I = 500 mA, I = 15 mA C B Small- Signal Char ac ter is tics h Small Signal Forward Current Transfer 50 - V = 10 V, I = 1.0 mA, f = 1.0 kHz fe CE C Ratio Ih I Small Signal Forward Current Transfer 2.5 - V = 20 V, I = 20 mA, f = 100 MHz fe CE C Ratio Cobo Open Circuit Output Capacitance 8.0 pF VCB = 10 V, 100 kHz f 1.0 MHz C Input Capacitance (Output Open) 25 pF V = 0.5 V, 100 kHz f 1.0 MHz ibo EB Switch ing Char ac ter is tics t Turn-On Time 35 ns V = 30 V, I = 150 mA, I = 15 mA on CC C B1 t Turn-Off Time 300 ns V = 30 V, I = 150 mA, I = I = 15 mA off CC C B1 B2 (2) Pulse Width 300 s, Duty Cycle 2.0% Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972) 323- 2200 Fax (972) 323- 2396 15-7