The QN3120M6N is a PRPAK (5x6) MOSFET manufactured by uPI Semiconductor, designed for low to high voltage applications. This PRPAK (Power Rectifier and Power Amplifier Kit) is RoHS compliant and features a low Rds(on) of 6mO, which provides improved efficiency in power conversion, and a low Qg (gate charge) of 45nC for improved switching performance. The QN3120M6N also offers an enhanced thermal performance of 1.2°C/W, making it suitable for high temperature operation. It also features a low threshold voltage, allowing for greater design flexibility. This PRPAK MOSFET also has built-in protection against the reverse-sourced current, and is designed with a fast body diode for improved reverse voltage protection. The QN3120M6N is compatible with both lead-free/RoHS and traditional solder assembly processes, and is ideal for DC/DC converters and power supplies, pre-drivers, motor control and other linear applications.