The W25Q128JVSIQ is a 128M-bit NOR Flash Serial (SPI, Dual SPI, Quad SPI) 3V/3.3V device manufactured by Winbond. It has a density of 16M x 8 bits and an access speed of 6ns. It is presented in a 8-pin SOIC package. The device is internally organized as a numbered series of non-volatile memory banks. Each memory bank is further organized as individually erasable segments. It supports Ultra DMA (UDMA) serial flash with Burst Read, Page Program, and Dual Output Read. It can be operated at up to 133MHz with Quad SPI (QSPI) interface. The device includes a range of protection mechanisms like high-level protection (Block Lock, Sector Lock, Page Lock and Password Lock), write protection and read protection. It also has a wide range of operating temperatures from -40 to +85°C (105°C max.), extended to -40 to +125°C with an ultra-temperature version. This part is well-suited for devices requiring a large amount of on-chip memory, such as audio, automotive, industrial, or communications products.