The AS6C62256A-70SINTR is a 256K/32K/2K static random-access memory (SRAM) chip produced by Alliance Memory. It features a 32Kx8 static RAM bank and two 8Kx8 static RAM banks, with a total memory size of 64Kx8. The chip provides extended temperature range of -40C to +85C, low power consumption of 5mA max (Interleaved Mode) and very fast access times, with a read cycle of 70ns. It has a standard, low-power and ultra-low power version, all with a common bus output voltage of 3.3/5V, and a wide range of power supply options. The chip also includes on-chip write protection and can be used in applications such as buffering, caching, sensor data accumulators, integrated circuit design, and configuring logic devices.