X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of AO3413 MOSFETs across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. AO3413 MOSFETs are a product manufactured by Alpha & Omega. We provide cost-effective solutions for MOSFETs, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

AO3413 Alpha & Omega

AO3413 electronic component of Alpha & Omega
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Product Image X-ON
Product Image X-ON

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No.AO3413
Manufacturer: Alpha & Omega
Category: MOSFETs
Description: MOSFET P Trench 20V 3A 1V @ 250uA 97 mΩ @ 3A,4.5V SOT-23-3L RoHS
Datasheet: AO3413 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
5: USD 0.0944 ea
Line Total: USD 0.47 
Availability - 1766
Ship by Thu. 02 Jan to Tue. 07 Jan
MOQ: 5  Multiples: 5
Pack Size: 5
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Thu. 02 Jan to Tue. 07 Jan
MOQ : 5
Multiples : 5
5 : USD 0.0944
50 : USD 0.0771
150 : USD 0.0684
500 : USD 0.062
3000 : USD 0.0502
6000 : USD 0.0475

Ship by Tue. 24 Dec to Thu. 26 Dec
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 0.252
10 : USD 0.2058
25 : USD 0.1876
100 : USD 0.1568
241 : USD 0.0714

Product Category
Factory Pack Quantity :
Brand Category
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

AO3413 Alternative Parts

Image Part-Description
Stock Image AO3413
20V 3A 60mΩ@4.5V,3A 1.56W 1.1V@250uA P Channel SOT-23-3L MOSFETs ROHS
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock: 2440

We are delighted to provide the AO3413 from our MOSFETs category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the AO3413 and other electronic components in the MOSFETs category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image AOTF12N65
Transistor: N-MOSFET; unipolar; 650V; 7.7A; TO220F
Stock : 6
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AO4886
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AO6409
MOSFET P Trench 20V 5.5A 1V @ 250uA 45 mΩ @ 5A,4.5V TSOP-6 RoHS
Stock : 4
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AO5404E
MOSFET N-CH 20V 0.5A SC89-3L
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AOTF7N60FD
Transistor: N-MOSFET; unipolar; 600V; 4.7A; TO220F
Stock : 990
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AOZ1283PI
PMIC; DC/DC converter; Uin:3÷36V; Uout:0.8÷30V; SO8-EP; buck
Stock : 12758
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AOZ8905CI
15.5V 6V 5V@Max SOT-23-6 TVS ROHS
Stock : 11
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AOZ1235QI-01
DC-DC Converters SMD RoHS
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AOB12N65L
Transistor: N-MOSFET; unipolar; 650V; 7.7A; 40W; TO263
Stock : 779
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AO4268
Transistor: N-MOSFET; unipolar; 60V; 14.5A; 2W; SO8
Stock : 2903
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Image Part-Description
Stock Image BS170_D27Z
Fairchild Semiconductor MOSFET N-Ch Enhancement Mode Field Effect
Stock : 4242
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image NTTFS4928NTAG
N-Channel 30 V 7.3A (Ta), 37A (Tc) 810mW (Ta), 20.8W (Tc) Surface Mount 8-WDFN (3.3x3.3)
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image FDY3000NZ
Transistor: N-MOSFET x2; unipolar; 20V; 0.6A; 0.625W; SOT563
Stock : 4
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Hot Stock Image SI1330EDL-T1-E3
MOSFET 60V Vds 20V Vgs SC70-3
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SSM3J35AMFV,L3F
Stock : 31583
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image RU30C8H
MOSFET N & P Trench 30V 8A,7A 2.4V @ 250uA 15 mΩ @ 8A,10V;25 mΩ @ 6A,10V SOP-8_150mil RoHS
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image TDM3466
MOSFET N Trench 40V 200A (Tc) 2.5V @ 250uA 2.1 mΩ @ 25A,10V TO-220 RoHS
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image SVT13N06SA
MOSFET N Trench 60V 13A (Tc) 2.5V @ 250uA 11 mΩ @ 13A,10V SOP-8 RoHS
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image CRTD110N03L
MOSFET N Trench 30V 20A (Tc) 1.8V @ 250uA 11 mΩ @ 12A,10V TO-252 RoHS
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image CJAB55N03
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

AO3413 20V P-Channel MOSFET GGeenneerraall DDeessccrriippttiioonn FFeeaattuurreess TThhee AAOO33441133 uusseess aaddvvaanncceedd ttrreenncchh tteecchhnnoollooggyy ttoo VV == --2200VV DDSS pprroovviiddee eexxcceelllleenntt RR ,, llooww ggaattee cchhaarrggee aanndd II == --33AA ((VV == --44..55VV)) DDSS((OONN)) DD GGSS -15 ooppeerraattiioonn wwiitthh ggaattee vvoollttaaggeess aass llooww aass 11..88VV.. TThhiiss RR << 8800mm ((VV ==-- 44..55VV)) DDSS((OONN)) GGSS ddeevviiccee iiss ssuuiittaabbllee ffoorr uussee aass aa llooaadd sswwiittcchh oorr iinn PPWWMM RR << 110000mm ((VV == --22..55VV)) DDSS((OONN)) GGSS aapppplliiccaattiioonnss.. RR << 113300mm ((VV == --11..88VV)) DDSS((OONN)) GGSS SSOOTT2233 TToopp VViieeww BBoottttoomm VViieeww DD DD DD GG SS GG SS SS GG Absolute Maximum Ratings T =25C unless otherwise noted A Parameter Symbol Maximum Units Drain-Source Voltage V -20 V DS Gate-Source Voltage V 8 V GS T =25C -3 Continuous Drain A I D A Current T =70C -2.4 A A B Pulsed Drain Current I -15 DM T =25C 1.4 A P W D A Power Dissipation T =70C 0.9 A Junction and Storage Temperature Range T , T -55 to 150 C J STG Thermal Characteristics Parameter Symbol Typ Max Units A Maximum Junction-to-Ambient t 10s 70 90 C/W R JA A Maximum Junction-to-Ambient Steady-State 100 125 C/W C R 63 80 C/W Maximum Junction-to-Lead Steady-State JL www.aosmd.com Page 1 of 5 Rev 9: July 2010AO3413 Electrical Characteristics (T =25C unless otherwise noted) J Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units I =-250A, V =0V BV Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage -20 V D GS DSS V =-20V, V =0V -1 DS GS I Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current DSS A T =55C -5 J I Gate-Body leakage current V =0V, V =8V 100 nA DS GS GSS V =V I =-250A V Gate Threshold Voltage -0.4 -0.65 -1 V DS GS D GS(th) V =-4.5V, V =-5V I On state drain current -15 A GS DS D(ON) V =-4.5V, I =-3A 56 80 GS D m T =125C 80 115 J R Static Drain-Source On-Resistance DS(ON) V =-2.5V, I =-2.6A 70 100 m GS D V =-1.8V, I =-1A 85 130 m GS D V =-5V, I =-3A g Forward Transconductance 12 S DS D FS I =-1A,V =0V V Diode Forward Voltage -0.7 -1 V SD S GS I Maximum Body-Diode Continuous Current -1.4 A S DYNAMIC PARAMETERS C Input Capacitance 560 745 pF iss V =0V, V =-10V, f=1MHz C Output Capacitance 80 pF GS DS oss C Reverse Transfer Capacitance 70 pF rss R Gate resistance V =0V, V =0V, f=1MHz 15 23 g GS DS SWITCHING PARAMETERS Q Total Gate Charge 8.5 11 nC g V =-4.5V, V =-10V, I =-3A Q Gate Source Charge 1.2 nC GS DS D gs Q Gate Drain Charge 2.1 nC gd t Turn-On DelayTime 7.2 ns D(on) tt TTuurrnn--OOnn RRiissee TTiimmee VV ==--44..55VV,, VV ==--1100VV,, RR ==33..33,, 3366 nnss rr GGSS DDSS LL R =6 t Turn-Off DelayTime 53 ns GEN D(off) t Turn-Off Fall Time 56 ns f t I =-3A, dI/dt=100A/s 37 49 rr Body Diode Reverse Recovery Time F ns Q I =-3A, dI/dt=100A/s nC rr Body Diode Reverse Recovery Charge F 27 2 A: The value of R is measured with the device mounted on 1 in FR-4 board with 2oz. copper, in a still air environment with T =25 C. The JA A value in any given application depends on the user s specific board design. The current rating is based on the t 10s thermal resistance rating. B: Repetitive rating, pulse width limited by junction temperature. C. The R is the sum of the thermal impedence from junction to lead R and lead to ambient. JA JL D. The static characteristics in Figures 1 to 6 are obtained using 300s pulse width, duty cycle 0.5% max. 2 E. These tests are performed with the device mounted on 1 in FR-4 board with 2oz. Copper, in a still air environment with T =25 C. The SOA A curve provides a single pulse rating. 12 THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND QUALIFIED FOR THE CONSUMER MARKET. APPLICATIONS OR USES AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED. AOS DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF SUCH APPLICATIONS OR USES OF ITS PRODUCTS. AOS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO IMPROVE PRODUCT DESIGN, FUNCTIONS AND RELIABILITY WITHOUT NOTICE. wwwwww..aaoossmmdd..ccoomm PPaaggee 22 ooff 55 RReevv 99:: JJuullyy 22001100

Tariff Desc

8541.21.00 16 No - - With a dissipation rate of less than 1 W Free

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